Passion Projects | Polygence
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Polygence's student projects span across STEM, humanities, and the arts. Final projects include research papers, websites, podcasts, and much more.

Nonprofits and For-profit Firms: Exploring Meaningful Work and Employee FulfillmentGender Construct in Sports and the According Perceptions of these Roles of Male and Female sports players; A case study on football at a Catholic High School in MadridNeutron-Rich Isotopes & the Boundaries of Nuclear PhysicsMedical Applications of CRISPR/Cas-9 TechnologiesQuantum Machine Learning for Image ClassificationIn what ways do race/ethnicity affect the nature of the association between social media use and mental health in adolescents?Expanding Perspectives: Redefining the American DreamThe Learning Experience of Somali Refugee Children in America: Best Practice Suggestions for SchoolsAfrican Herbal Remedies: The Healing Abilities of Nature's GiftHow Gender and Race Affect the Prognosis of Breast and Pancreatic Cancer PatientsThe effects of anxiety on children and learningPROBLEMS WITH THE BEHAVIORIST-CENTRIC APPROACH IN THE CURRENT VIETNAMESE EDUCATION SYSTEM AND RELATED ALTERNATIVESBilingualism in the BrainDown Syndrome Sensory ProcessingUsing a Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacogenetic Approach to Examine Nicotine AddictionWhat are the roles of transcription factors in the inhibiting post-mitotic cell cycle?The Impact of Climate Change on Animal Behavior: The Arctic Marine and Monterey Bay EcosystemsCOVID-19 Relief Programs and Homelessness: Exploring Systemic Patterns of InaccessibilityType One Diabetes ManagementInvestigating SARS-CoV-2 and the Vaccine’s Global Impact on Cardiac ComplicationsWhat are the most common types of hair loss and their treatment options?How can the BDNF gene be used as a gene of interest in genetic treatment of major depressive disorder?Why We Need a Shift in the Social and Medical Model of Our Approach to AutismCan a space shuttle withstand a perpendicular launch from Mars?ASSESSING NEUTRON DAMAGE IN FUSION REACTORS: A STUDY OF DISPLACEMENTS PER ATOMAn Economic Approach to Solving Issues of Single ParenthoodBreaking the Chains: Reintegration, Trafficker Mindsets, and PreventionHuman Emotion Recognition to Recommend SongsWhat are key factors in preventing help-seeking behavior for mental health among Muslim immigrants in the US? What are effective strategies to promote help-seeking behavior?Review Paper: The Effects of Dietary Fiber on Asthma through Cytokine ProductionHow will a lower population of California sea otters disrupt the ecological balance in Monterey Bay?Genetic Engineering as an Effective Cancer Therapy: A Research Paper Focused on CRISPRUnraveling the Neurochemical Relationship Between Social Media and Attention SpanVirtual Rocket LaunchHow did the change in the cost of living in Silicon Valley, California in the past decade affect the economic growth of the area?Varied presentation of candidiasis in the Oral Cavity: Understanding Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and treatment strategiesEffects of Social Support on Adolescent Identity DevelopmentA Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Favorable Sites for Renewable Energy InstallationsVianca's Book ReviewsThe effect of aerobic versus strength training on the treatment of epilepsyIn Search of the Just: Reflections on John Rawls’s Ideal TheoryWhat is the link between mental health issues and school shootings, and does mental health play a role in the sentencing these shooters get in court?Remittances and their Effect on Education in NepalUnderstanding the Role of Mitochondria in Neurological DiseaseConsidering how Microbial Colonization is DeterminedIs Dance Therapy a Form of Psychotherapy?Prediction4Protection: Machine Learning Application in Early Heart Disease PredictionCreating and Accelerating the Shift from Fossil Fuel Jobs to Green Energy JobsA Review on the Effects of Physical Activity on Ghrelin, an Appetite-Stimulating HormoneEvaluating Plant and Bird Species Diversity and Abundance and Trash Pollution at three Nature Reserves in SingaporeThe Psychological Impact of IncarcerationHow can 3D-printed chitosan-based scaffolds be optimised to improve mechanical strength and degradation rates?A Research Paper Exploring Pakistani Youth in the U.SHow Efficient are the CDR, MMSE, nWBV, and eTIV Values when Diagnosing a Patient with Dementia?A Comparative Analysis of Generative Models for Terrain Generation in Open-World Video GamesStarry Night: A Love SongBehavioral Interventions for ADHD: A Systematic Review of Organizational Skills and Academic OutcomesTechnology and Analytics’ Effect on the Changes in Hockey GameplayA Fabulous Fashion MagazineThe Influence of User-Generated Content on Brand Perception in Social Media Shopping - Cross-Cultural AnalysisCar Dependency and Decreased Mobility Timeline in the Los Angeles Area Through GISPhoto Essay Exploring Tenderness and Violence from a Levantine PerspectiveReview of Chronic Kidney Disease and Comparison between Humans, Dogs, and CatsComparing Stress in Neurotypical People and People with ASD in Terms of the PandemicAlzheimer's diseaseQPy - A Quantum Circuit Simulator using PythonUses of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy to treat B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaPersonalization of Major Depression Disorder treatment using heterogeneity of depressionReality Shifting in Relation to Induced PsychosisNBA Free Throw PredictionUsing Machine Learning to Classify News ArticlesCannabinoids as a Therapeutic Treatment of Alzheimer's DiseaseThe Effect of Dance and DMT on Mental HealthBlog Posts on Anxiety and Stress in TeenagersNew Media, the Internet, and Social Capital in Peachtree Corners: A Community Case Studyhow can I use blender to complete a full short film about my experiences utilizing different animation styles?The Impact of Family Dynamics on Adolescent Eating DisordersCurrent treatments and future directions in leukemiaA Review Of Colorectal Cancer Formation, Metastasis And Gene-therapy TreatmentWhat is the correlation between diet and stomach cancer incidence rates in the USA over the past 20 years?Computer Science PortfolioLiterature's "Dream Model"Online Simulation of Dark PatternsHow can self-driving technology be improved upon to make sure it can be safer for people to use?TitanWandelaar: Four-Bar Linkage Mechanical Walker for Mars RoversNBA Salary Predictor Web App and NBA Shot Chart Web AppFrom Tradition to Technology: Robotic Artificial Intelligence in Dental ImplantologyPost-COVID-19 and Climate Change Effects on Infectious Myocarditis: Implications for the Cardiovascular SystemHow do synergistic and antagonistic interspecific microbial interactions impact species?Examining the Financial Impacts of Renewable Energy Adoption on American Tech CorporationsOvercoming Academic Procrastination: A Behavioral-Cognitive ApproachLearning Quantum Computing with Python!Industrial Symbiosis And Circular Economy Applied To The Textile Industry With Realistic Considerations Of Socioeconomic, Political, Ethical, Scientific, and Technical DimensionsDoes fear explain the attraction of women towards male serial killers?Research Paper On Fossil FuelsNeural Network-based Approach Towards Port Scan Attack Detection in Linux-based IoT SystemsA Review on Vitiligo: Pathogenesis, Etiology, Psychological Impacts, and Treatments.Apple Stock Analysis PaperDuolingo App for JavaThe Evolution of the Disney Princesses: Our Once-Flawed Role ModelsHow do cardiovascular risk factors affect the chances of acquiring Alzheimer’s Disease?Resiniferatoxin: Mechanism in Treating Osteoarthritis Pain and Slowing Osteoarthritis Progression, Safety, and EfficacyProbiotic Possibilities In Crohn’s Disease: A Research Review ArticleA Trade Study of Lunar Power Plant TechnologyWhat inherited genetic mechanisms underlie familial non-small cell lung cancer?Assessing the Environmental Impact of Drone Delivery Services: A Comparative Analysis with Traditional MethodThe Geopolitical Ramifications of the China-Europe Railway Express: An Emphasis on the War in UkraineImmunotherapies for Breast CancerDetermining Financial Penalties for Banking ViolationsAmerican Sign Language ReaderHow important are the social benefits of laughter for patients in palliative care?Threats Detection in Aerial Objects: A Machine Learning ApproachThe cultural and psychological impacts of food insecurityResource Administrator A.I.Developing a Wearable Device that can Monitor the Onset of Covid-19Financial Stability of the European Football ModelExamining optogenetically stimulated locomotive behavior in Channelrhodopsin and CsChrimson Drosophila Melanogaster strains to classify post-synaptic “moonwalker” stalling"The neurodevelopmental etiology of mental disorders among adolescents impacted by physical abuse and neglect"Obstacles and Potential Solutions to Feed and Sustain Humans on MarsExpanding the Equation: Exploring the Links Between Academia, Medicine, and Public Policy in Regards to Racial Disparities within HealthcarePredicting Melanoma Patient's Responses to Nivolumab Immunotherapy Using Machine Learning ModelsEffectiveness of the 2012 Clean Cars Act (California) and Charge NY Initiative (New York): Impact on Electric Vehicle AdoptionThe effects of epigenetics on transgenerational trauma and brain anatomyHow Histamine Can Treat Circadian DysfunctionInvestigating Zinc Metalloprotease Protein Mutations in Clostridioides difficile through Multiple Sequence AlignmentImproving PER (Player Efficiency Rating) in Basketball through Machine LearningRacism in HealthcareAssessing how emotional intelligence affects a person's lifestyle and well-beingThe Effect of AI Development on Stock PricesHow can AI be utilized to standardize ballet teaching?Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease, and the Impact of Socioeconomic StatusThe Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Traumatic Brain InjuriesComputer Simulation Techniques: Molecular Dynamics and Particle SimulationsFrom Genes to Behavior: A Comprehensive Review of ADHD and Its Triggers Across Multiple FactorsPossible Solutions to California's Changing Coastline from Sea Level RiseCalifornia in Flames : A Literature Review on the Causes and Effects of WildfiresAn Informative Video on Vascular Ehlers-Danlos SyndromeValidating a Novel Digital Face-Name Platform for Memory Enhancement in the Cognitively Healthy: A Baseline for Mild Cognitive ImpairmentBrain regions activated in different types of Context Dependent Memory: a ReviewComparison of Root Canal vs. Dental Implant: Outcome and Success RatesCRISPR-based therapeutic targeting of ADHDPerforming arts education as a foundation for youth empowermentNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Placement in U.S. Government and its ImplicationsWhy did Serbian radios in Croatia influence the subsequent rise in nationalism?Innovative Methods for the Detection of Parkinson's Disease.Designing Universal CAR-T cellsThe Unfiltered Lens: Social Media as a Threat to DemocracyMitochondrial Disease: Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and its causes, effects, and treatments.Harmony in Motion: Discovering the Benefit of Therapeutic Music in Parkinson's Disease ManagementComparative Study of LSTM and T5-Flan Models for Automated Test Case Generation from Gherkin RequirementsA Queer Fight for Decolonization: British Colonialism’s Detrimental Impact on India’s Hijra CommunityAmplifying Marginalized Voices: Postcolonial Literature and Creative WritingThe Story of a Theater Lover — How Diversity Affects Theatrical StorytellingWeb App that Gamifies Algorithm LearningDeep learning model to predict the price of a car based on an input picture.The Neuroscience of Music: How Music Can Influence Brain Health And FunctioningRisk Management in Quant InvestingWhat are some significant factors that affect the prejudice between East Asian countries, China, Japan, and Korea specifically?Learning from the Master: A Conceptual DrawingUsing Machine Learning to Predict Classical Composers from AudioHow India represents itself within Indian media?Improving Mental Health Services for Filipino-American Adolescents in the Bay Area: Addressing DisparitiesA CRISPR-based approach to targeting a pathogenic TLR7 gene variant in systemic lupus erythematosusComparison of symbrachydactyly and the phocomelia of cleft lip and palateUsing CRISPR/Cas9 Technology to Genetically Transform and Edit the rpsL Amino Acid Sequence of E. Coli Bacteria to Allow it to Grow on Streptomycin MediaUsing Machine Learning to Improve Baseball SwingsThe Formation, Growth, and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes Across Cosmic TimeAddressing the biomaterial failure modes for brain computer interfacesIn what ways can theatre organisations and businesses effectively collaborate to achieve optimal synergy and create unique, mutually beneficial partnerships?A Policy Recommendation for Extended Producer Responsibility in TurkeyThe Impact of AI on the Labor Market for the Financial and Manufacturing SectorEstimating Bulgaria’s 2023 Bright Economy Composite Index: Insights Into the Size of Hidden EconomyA Novel Supervised Deep Learning Solution to detect Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Edge Systems using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)Sickle Cell Anemia: Genetics, Symptoms, and TreatmentsHow can analyzing Justice Thomas' judicial opinions about affirmative action policy reveal potential future trends in modern Supreme Court decision-making?Nuclear Science AdvocacyGene Therapy With CRISPR-Cas9 To Treat Multiple SclerosisResilience: Its Importance and Relationship with CortisolIs there an association between a high dietary glycemic index/glycemic load and the risk of developing gynaecological cancer in women?Comparison of Classification Regions for AI GeolocationSex Trafficking: Correcting the Denotations of a Survivor's ExperienceWhat are the neurocognitive and social benefits of an inclusive book club on children and adolescents with developmental disorders?In what ways does an increase in federal minimum wage in the United States harm low-income workers?Scientific Theory of Invisibility CloakingThe impact of the Sri Lanka Civil War on Economic OutcomesDigital Marketing in the Makeup Industry - Attraction and Retention of Generation ZEpstein-Barr virus as a Disease-Causing Agent in Well-Characterized Disease States and the Broader PopulationPersonal Finance Guide for BeginnersReducing Economic Inequalities and Disparities: An Assessment of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Impact on Healthcare AccessThe Educational Background of American ExecutivesHow do maternal environmental factors influence a child’s risk of developing congenital heart defects?Analyzing the Connections of Microglial Phenotypes in the Progression of Neurodegeneration and Tumors And The Future For Therapeutic TreatmentsExploring the Effects of the Gut Microbiome on Alzheimer’s DiseaseWhat is the current state of epi-drugs targeting DNA methylation used against leukemias, and what is their validity in terms of efficacy and safety?Calculating the maximum thrust generated per second by a model ionic engine when a cosmic ray source is incident on it using OpenMCReview paper on Polygyny and the Success of the Argentine AntWhat are some factors that cause lower female labor participation and what are the possible adverse effects it can pose for the future? How can we counteract the economic disparity in labor participation?A Video on the Mimic OctopusAnalysing the Multi-Faceted Process of 3-link Robot Arm SimulationExploring the Link Between ALS Progression and Physical ActivityIdeonella - The plastic eating robotHow did Albert Camus respond to the German occupation of France and French colonialism in his novel The Plague?What are the roles of genetics, environmental factors, and psychology in athletic performance-related traits?Engineering Project on Wind Power Generation Utilizing Aerospace TransportationBehavioral Economics Theories in the Colombian Navi MarketHereditary Disease Decision Making: A Game Theoretic ModelHow effective are enzyme-coated nanobots in degrading polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in marine environments?Analysis of the Therapeutic Strategies Used to Treat ALS Caused by TDP-43 AggregationLearn Your Car: Automotive Engineering WebsiteDetecting Dark Matter: Exploring WIMP Interactions and Background Noise Mitigation in the LUX-ZEPLIN ExperimentYouth Homelessness in the United StatesNepotistic Hiring and Poverty From Cultural, Social Class, and Situational PerspectivesA Project on how switching to sustainable practices in large companies or small companies can positively affect their business and corporate social responsibility. Exploring how large companies have mostly transformed to use less plastic and enact more sustainable practices.Closing the Loop: Addressing Food Insecurity by Redistributing Supermarket SurplusHow does general US presence influence the way that Saudi Arabia and Israel act in times of tension; A critical comparison of the two states' subsequent actions and the resulting socio-economic impacts.Unraveling the Role of TREM2 and CD33 in Alzheimer's DiseaseHow CRISPR/Cas9 Can Be Used to Treat Cystic FibrosisRandom Forest Identification of PulsarsThe Origins of Discrimination Pertaining to All KindsClubfoot: genetic causes, diagnosis, and treatmentEffectiveness and health impacts of fad diets in the short and long term: a reviewA Blog All About Proper Health and NutritionNavigating Troubled Waters: Understanding China's South China Sea Assertion Through Geopolitical, Economic, and Strategic LensesUniting Against Climate-Induced Natural Disasters, Such as Displacement, Reproductive Health Challenges, and Violence, on Marginalized Women Through Women’s Empowerment, Education, and LeadershipEvaluating Malnutrition Interventions on Maternal (and Infant) HealthThe Applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-Editing System in Treating Human DiseasesImpacts of the microbiome on the development of RAApplications of thymic organoids for autoimmune patientsPoisonous Trace - An Animation about ToxinsA Comparative Analysis of HBOT and L-HBOT: An Innovative Possibility to Enhance HBOT?What is the relationship between poverty and educational attainment/access among coffee farm workers in Latin America?In patients with mitral valve dysfunction, how does mitral valve repair using Da Vinci surgery compare to open surgery in terms of safety?The Myth of Io in Ovid and Beyond: Voice, Sexuality, and LamentationHow does exposure to environmental toxins during key developmental stages affect one's risk of getting breast cancer later in life?Cybersecurity Policies and International Relations: The Case of the US and IranDeconvoluting the Gut-Mind Interactome: How Structural and Functional Disruptions to the Gastrointestinal Tract Seed Neurocognitive DysregulationFrom Democracy to Dynasties: Analyzing Political Corruption and Nepotism in 50 Years of India’s HistoryEconomic Impact of United States Presidential Election Years: A Comparative AnalysisIs Rome a Part of Italy?Multi-Speed Gearboxes for Battery Electric VehiclesA Review Paper Concerning the Possibility of Zombies Being Created NaturallyWild Type Oncolytic Viruses as a Means for Facilitating Antitumor Immune ResponseMolecular Signaling Differences in Systemic and Discoid Lupus ErythematosusDo Charities Optimize Donor Behavior? A Review of Prior MethodsWithin the next decade, do the benefits of implementing AI and ML technologies in the agricultural industry outweigh their drawbacks?Children's physics comicDeriving the Ideal Learning Environment For Communal Intermediate Educational InstitutionsWhat are the genetic and environmental contributors to depression, and how can these influence treatment options?How does the use of various CGRP inhibitors in the treatment of migraines compare to the use of other more common treatments such as antiepileptic drugs or beta blockers?Is it possible to create a cheap and effective proximity sensor for a vehicle using an Arduino and distance sensor? This proposed system could act as a collision prevention system by sounding an alarm if the distance between an object and a vehicle decreases to a dangerous level.Enhancing Education through Reading Culture, Curiosity, and Neuroscientific PerspectivesReview Paper on Quantum AlgorithmsDetermining Trustworthyness in NewsPhilosophy of TimeHow do MG and LSMMG conditions affect the growth of Salmonella and how can such MG-induced changes in this microbe behavior be a concern in space travel and colonization?Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Its Key ParametersThe Role of Epithelial Cell Extrusion in Carcinoma: Mechanotransduction and Drug TreatmentShould the MLB implement a salary cap, and what would that exactly look like if they did?Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Association Between Abnormal Immune Responses in the Pathogenesis of Postpartum Cardiomyopathy in Ethiopian Women: A Hospital-based Study at Saint Paul HospitalEffects of Excessive Screen Use on the Development of Emotional Temperament and Inattention in Children Below Ages 7A Better Homeless Solution? A Study of LifeMoves Project in Silicon ValleyUkrainian Refugee Immigration Patterns and Cultural SimilaritiesDesigning a hydroelectric water storage system for developing countries that utilizes stored rainwater for electricity generation.How does genetic hybridization (via mating/mixing of species) affect the vocalization genes in birds? How can that provide new approaches for human speech therapy?Detection of Similar Melodies by Repurposing Algorithms for Sequence Alignment and String SearchingWho Should Be the Main Characters in the Space Exploration Narrative: Robots or Humans?Exploring the Role of Periodontal Disease in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular DiseaseThe effect of dance on the memory and proprioceptive ability of the elderlyRacial Disparities in Maternal Mortality: Social and Clinical ConsiderationsDoes pink tax exist in Vietnamese hygienic industry?Kennedy and the India Years: Factors Affecting JFK’s Foreign Policy and Dynamic Relationship with IndiaWhat are the environmental factors that can contribute to Alzheimer's and how can treatments be designed to address them?The Supreme Court’s Increasing Partisan Divide: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis through the Lens of AbortionBarriers to Eating Disorder TreatmentHow can metacognition be used to maximize learning?Keeping up with the Immortal Jellyfish: Biological Immortality in the Animal Kingdom & Applications for Prolonging Human LifespanAI-Based Early Lung Cancer Detection Using CT Scans With Multiple ClassificationUsing Machine Learning and Quantitative techniques to analyze the Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on Equity Market Dynamics and Financial Security prices.How Can Art and Design Based Approaches Synthesize with Technical Solutions to Support a Regenerative Conservation of Tropical Rainforests?Machine Learning for High SchoolersDetermining if there is a Genetic Link Between Anxiety and ADHDHow do genetic mutations influence the development of the brain that are associated with autism?Generative AI in Cancer: Improving Therapies Against Common Oncogenic DriversHow can programmatic automation, generative CAD, and high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations synergistically assist aerospace engineers in crafting optimal airplane wings that cater to specific flight conditions and constraints?'Reaching Our Star' - Blending Animation With Real-lifeUnderstanding how the Costs of Tennis Affect the Composition of PlayersCommunity Psychology: Dive into the fundamentals of psychology's impact on communities and social justiceResearch Paper on the Effect of K-Pop on Eating Disorders and Body Image in TeenagersHow does excessive internet use impact anxiety levels in teens and young adults?The Etiology and Treatment of Dental PhobiaDo video games improve the symptoms of Tourette’s Syndrome?Educational Equity and Potential Interventions for Primary SchoolsThe High Price of Life: Analyzing the Cost of TransplantsHarnessing Microgrids as a Response to Natural Hazards in the Dominican RepublicEffects of Various pH Conditions on the Carbon Sequestration of Carex nudataAssistive Technology for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Review of LiteratureHow can the development and application of antiviral peptide therapy be used to treat Parvovirus in endangered species, and how does this therapy compare to the treatments already on the market?An Examination of Habitability in Exoplanet SystemsThe Relationship Between Parkinson's Disease and EthnicityEnvironmental and Biological Factors Contributing to SchizophreniaExploring Disparities and the Development of Mental Health in Asian CommunitiesHow can the implementation of supervised machine learning enhance the efficiency of discovering apparel that suits individual style preferences?Investigating the Impact of Wildfires and Air Quality on the Water Quality and Fish Species of Clear Lake, CA.How can medicinal herbs be utilized to create equitable and effective alternatives to current pharmaceutical drugs that are used to treat anxiety and depression?Statistical Model for Identifying Unclear and Doubtfully Restored Signs of the Indus ScriptInvestigating the Role of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Mental HealthHow can aerobic exercise and classical music improve long-term memory after the onset of anterograde amnesia?Exploring 19th Century Fashion DesignImmunotherapies for Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaSCOBY Skin: a probiotic-induced bioengineered microbial-based textile adhesive for wound healingInvestigating the Potential and Efficiency of Neuroplasticity-based Interventions in Stroke RecoveryComparing Ways of Producing an Audio Signal with ElectronicsTreating Insomnia with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Implications for Mental Health DisordersHow does listening to different types of music (classical, phonk, and pop music) affect a child's (10-12) visual memory retention.A Girl in Haarlem: Religion, Politics, and Gender in the 80 Years’ WarInvestigating the effect of pharmaceutical websites on self-medicating behaviors of Vietnamese people in cosmopolitan areasCan audio detection improve safety of any vehicle and passengers when object detection fails?Processed Meat Carcinogen Warning LabelingThe New Normal: How COVID-19 Redefined the Options Market LandscapeResearch Paper on AnesthesiaPose Estimation for Sprinter Form ComparisonsPredicting Excess Bond Returns using Neural NetworksAutoMelter: An Anti-Snow System for DrivewaysThe neglected mental health crisis: how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted minority groups and youth in the United StatesResearch Paper on Rising Global Temperatures and Increased Forest FiresAnalysis and Implementation of Machine Learning Approaches to DDoS Attack DetectionHow can we get the youth in Portland to be more politically engaged?An Article Exploring Russia's Political FutureWhat is the probability of a male tennis player winning the US Open?Early Childhood: Key Factors in Brain Development & AdjustmentA Theoretical Approach to an HIV Vaccine Targeting CCR5Examining Links Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Opioid MisuseHow does the usage of marketing sustainability via social media affect female Generation Z and Millennials’ tendency to purchase products?What effect does music have on people with ASD and how can it help them?Nuclear Fusion Energy: The State of the IndustryInvestigating the Efficacy of AI-Powered Innovations in Cardiovascular HealthcareWhat are the most critical information and resources immigrants need to navigate naturalization successfully, and how can an online website guide effectively provide support to address their challenges?CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing: An Approach to Prevent Hereditary CancersPaper Predicting Flying Robot Dynamics with Deep LearningHow do age and biological sex influence vaccine responses and public health guidelines?The effects of British Columbia's policy change regarding illicit substances on opioid-related hospitalization rates and expenditures from hospitals in the provinceCaffeine Consumption and Sleep in Adolescent Student AthletesTo what extent can machine learning find a suitable musical accompaniment for a given melody?Online Physics CalculatorIs Love Universal? A Review on Experiences of Love in Close Relationships Across Cultures.The Primary Market of Concert Ticketing: Evaluating Live Nation Entertainment's Involvement with Recent InefficienciesExploring the role of CRISPR in cell-based cancer immunotherapyDatabase To Find High School InternshipsRefugees Effect on The EconomyNatural selection in animalsEffect of Hypoxia on Resistance to ImmunotherapyInclusion of Photolyase in Sunscreen and its EffectsHow does the presence and removal of invasive Arundo donax impact the coverage of native creeping wild rye and valley sedge in Walnut Creek?The Psychology and Neuroeconomics of Pro-environmental BehaviorStudying Death Rates Caused by Air PollutionThe Downfall of Netflix: Using COVID-19 Cases and Vaccination Data to Predict Netflix’s Stock PriceCauses and Treatments for Various Phenotypes Among Autistic IndividualsHow does neurological music therapy affect movement, cognition, and mood?Current and Forthcoming Treatments for Alzheimer’s DiseaseCatherine II's Rise to PowerCurrent Next-Generation Vaccines for COVID-19: The Success and Challenges of mRNA TechnologyGray Chameleons on the Rise: Mental Illness in the LGBTQ+ CommunityWhat biological and environmental factors influence increased rates of suicide and depression in the LGBTIQ community?Chief Marketing Officer: From student to International C-SuiteEffects of Black Holes on the Space-Time ContinuumDevelopment and Initial Validation of a Psychometric Scale for Immigration Stress Caused by Backlog in the Green-Card Application Process for Visa HoldersThe Link between Environmental Factors and the Development of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM): Literature ReviewBehind the Scenes: Unmasking the Misrepresentation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Film and TelevisionCoping During Covid-19: A Study on How Locus of Control Influences Coping Response in an Uncontrollable SituationNovel CAR design dually targets HER2+ breast cancer and MDSCs to improve efficacy in solid tumorsComparing the IPL’s Media Rights and Salary Cap to Other Professional Leagues Worldwide: An In-Depth AnalysisExploring Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Financial Illiteracy and Exclusion among the UnbankedComprehensive Analysis of DyspraxiaBattling atopic dermatitis: its prevalence, how it affects the body, and treatment optionsMechanics of Human-T-lymphotropic-Virus-Driven Adult T-LeukemiaThe Effects of Social Media on TeensResearch Paper Exploring the Impact of Demographics on Shifts in the ElectorateHow can dance be used as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of aging diseases?Research paper on nuclear fission reactor moderatorsResearch Paper on the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Invasive Species in South FloridaHow is ancient Greek clothing represented in material culture, and how does it portray the intentions and customs of ancient Greek society?What variables predict ticket prices of NBA franchises?Biomimetics- Key to better Space Suit DesignHow did Alexander facilitate Cultural Exchange within the Ancient World?The Secrets of Spanish HistoryThe Effects of Onshoring on Human Capital AccumulationHow can the use of AI be used to impact the growth of Environment SustainabilityAdvancing Gene Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease: Exploring the Potential of Prime EditingMindful scroll: A podcast exploring social media and its effects on teen mental healthThe effect of environmental factors on neurobiology and depressive symptoms: A narrative reviewSimilarities/Differences Between Bacterial/Animal/Plant Viruses And The Effects On HumansFrom Kickstart: Eco-Friendly Transportation Practices for the Olympics and Premier LeagueHow can healthy lifestyle choices such as diet lower the chances of breast cancer in people carrying the germline BRCA1 mutation?Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Access for Women in NigeriaThe Semi-Autonomous Systems’ Dangers to HumansTeeth whitening tools and its effects on teeth and gum healthOn the Connection Between Art and Philosophy: An Envisioning of “Articizied” PhilosophyWhat challenges are faced in developing hypersonic aircraft?Factors Behind Unfavorable Outcomes For Farmers: Evidence From IndiaAnthropogenic Noise and its Impacts on Dolphin CommunicationHerding Mentality in the GameStop Short Squeeze: A Case Study