Molecular Signaling Differences in Systemic and Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
Project by Polygence alum Marshall

Project's result
I finished my project with a research paper that I submitted to the Connecticut STEM Fair, Connecticut Science and Engineering Fair, and will be submitting to the Joural of Young Investigators
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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Discoid Lupus Erythematosus are lupus subtypes with distinctive disease manifestations and genetic profiles. This study aims to investigate the differential expression of interferon-alpha/beta signaling in B cells of SLE and DLE patients. We hypothesize that SLE will have an increase in alpha/beta signaling compared to DLE due to SLE’s pathogenesis. This study was completed using clinical single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data. In lupus, B cells are hyperactive and create autoantibodies that attack the body's own cells. Due to B cells' known role in lupus, they were chosen as the target cell type for this study. The B cell populations for each patient were computationally isolated and analyzed for differential gene expression. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) revealed that, in SLE, there is a statistically significant increase in the expression of interferon-alpha/beta signaling compared to DLE. This increase concurs with the systemic, multi-organ tenacity of SLE compared to the localized skin lesions created by DLE. These findings support interferon-alpha/beta signaling as a potential therapeutic target for SLE.

Polygence mentor
PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate
Computer Science, Biology, Quantitative
Bioinformatics, computational biology, immunology, stem cell biology, cancer biology, robotics, and data science.
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Graduation Year
Project review
“The level of work I was able to accomplish under this mentorship, and the guidance I received was exemplary. I accomplished far more than I ever expected under this mentorship.”
About my mentor
“Joshua is an amazing mentor, and I learned so much under his guidance. I was able to complete a project far out of my skill set, but with Joshua's teaching, I felt comfortable and equipped to complete my project; he was able to break down topics that I found confusing into very manageable steps. Throughout the mentorship, I felt like he truly cared about my growth and success as a researcher, in addition to the success of the project.”
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