Nuclear Fusion Energy: The State of the Industry

Project by Polygence alum Adam

Nuclear Fusion Energy: The State of the Industry

Project's result

By researching more about fusion energy, I was able to gain a very good understanding of the process behind fusion energy generation. I have also researched the potential benefits that fusion energy can provide over common energy relied on by the world today, which expanded my understanding of fusion even more. By examining the current state of fusion, I discovered that while it seems like a promising solution to many issues in energy generation, there is still much to be achieved. However, on a bright note, ongoing advancements are helping to enhance its potential for commercial viability.

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The usage of fossil fuels results in the destruction of our environment through greenhouse gas emissions. A way to combat this problem is to take advantage of renewable energy sources, one such possible contender is nuclear fusion energy. Nuclear fusion energy has the potential to become a replacement for fossil fuel energy due to the massive amounts of clean energy this form of energy provides in such a short time. This form of energy has been explored since the 1920s when nuclear fusion was first understood. Currently, there are many challenges that fusion faces that prevent it from being commercialized, with new advances seeking to solve many of fusion’s problems. While fusion still requires significant development before it can become a sustainable energy source, the possibility of harnessing fusion energy is an exciting prospect. In all, this research paper provides a comprehensive overview of what fusion energy is with its advantages and challenges, its usefulness compared to common forms of energy used today like coal, solar, and fission, and state and advancements of fusion.



Polygence mentor

PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate


Physics, Engineering, Quantitative, Chemistry


Nuclear energy, materials science




Hello! My name is Adam Hung. My Polygence Project is on a topic related to Nuclear Physics. I am interested in Nuclear Physics due to the various important applications of Nuclear Physics as well as how Nuclear Physics itself works. After finishing the project, I plan on publishing my research paper online.

Graduation Year


Project review

“I like the way that Polygence is structured, especially with the assignments that are due each time are very manageable and reasonable.”

About my mentor

“Uday is an awesome mentor who always tries to help you improve your project. The advice that he gives especially during the writing process really helped me improve both my knowledge of the subject and my writing skills.”