How did the change in the cost of living in Silicon Valley, California in the past decade affect the economic growth of the area? | Polygence

How did the change in the cost of living in Silicon Valley, California in the past decade affect the economic growth of the area?

Project by Polygence alum Olivia

How did the change in the cost of living in Silicon Valley, California in the past decade affect the economic growth of the area?

Project's result

Used to craft a proposal to the FUHSD District Board regarding declining enrollment through a student coalition, GENup FUHSD.

They started it from zero. Are you ready to level up with us?


The cost of living in Silicon Valley, California, has risen steadily over the past decade, seemingly while enrollment in public schools and birth rates in the area have been dropping. While analyzing how the change in the cost of living in Silicon Valley affects the economic growth of the area, a few assumptions must be asserted: The inverse relationship between the cost of living and birth rates, and the correlation between birth rates and enrollment in public school, and the direct relationship between birth rates and school enrollment with the economic growth of an area. While causation does not equal correlation, there are multiple pathways through which the increasing cost of living could impact economic growth, two of which will be analyzed in the following paper: 1. The rising cost of living causes more residents to have to move out and fewer residents wanting to move in, and consequently declining birth rates and school enrollment. This causes smaller school budgets and more school closures, then consequently the property value of the area decreases, and diminishes the attraction to live in the area. 2. The rising cost of living still causes residents to have to move out and fewer residents to want to move in, and the decline in school enrollment and consequent school budgets and closers cause the quality of schooling and education to go down. In the long run, this would cause more of the population to be less educated, negatively impacting the aggregate income, and consequently economic growth.



Polygence mentor

PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate


Social Science, Computer Science, Quantitative


Economics, Statistics, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Labor Economics, Industrial Organization, Antitrust, Economics of Education, AI/ML, Text Analysis, Macroeconomics




Hi! My name is Olivia Hwang and I am a current high school student in the Bay Area. I was inspired to do this research project regarding public school enrollment and economic growth after the announcement of my old middle school closing in 2024 due to low enrollment. I hope to continue research regarding declining enrollment and how to best help districts faced with the need to consolidate schools.


Cupertino High School

Graduation Year


About my mentor

“Ethan helped me figure out the scope of my project and helped me structure it so I had a clearer vision of what the end result would look like. He is also very flexible timing-wise which was helpful when some assignments took longer than others.”