The Impact of Climate Change on Animal Behavior: The Arctic Marine and Monterey Bay Ecosystems

Share your unique perspective and new
knowledge with the world!
“Pics or it didn’t happen!”
Showcasing encompasses a wide variety of initiatives that students pursue to share their project or research with a broader audience. Showcasing could be as simple as sharing your work to family and friends on social media or having a case study highlighted on this website. It could also include presenting your work at a conference or symposium, and could even mean submitting your work to an academic journal for peer-reviewed publishing.
Showcasing your project means sharing your unique perspective and new knowledge with the world, documenting your intellectual development, and strengthening your college admissions profile with a proven outcome.
Almost half of our students complete their projects with the intention of showcasing or publishing their findings. A remarkable 60% of Polygence students were able to successfully publish their work!
Our students have published or showcased their work in many prestigious outlets, including:
Polygence offers a variety of opportunities for students to showcase their research included in the program. Polygence students are encouraged to take advantage of all three showcasing options - they can present at the Symposium, post their paper to the Research Archive of Rising Scholars, and share their project as a curated case study!
The Symposium of Rising Scholars is a bi-annual academic conference designed for students. The Symposium is typically held in March and September of each year. Our Fall 2022 Symposium (held on Saturday, September 24th) featured 260 student presenters, three engaging panel discussions, and a fantastic keynote with Harvard University Professor Michael Puett. Nearly 1,000 attendees enjoyed fascinating presentations across every imaginable topic.
Student presenters have the opportunity to present their projects in front of an audience, listen to other student’s presentations, and receive awards. Take a look at some past presentations, and keynote from September 2022 below! For more information visit the Symposium of Rising Scholars page.
The Research Archive of Rising Scholars (RARS) is an open-access preprint archive for research articles written by young scholars, like you, from around the globe. The goal of the archive is to facilitate real-time exchange of scholarly ideas from young scholars everywhere, and to allow young scholars to share the fruits of their research with the world. Having your work circulated through RARS means that you’ll have a link to share with others so that they can read and engage with the research you’ve completed.
Since this is a non-peer-reviewed preprint server, students who showcase their work on RARS can decide at any point to submit their work to a journal or competitions for consideration. In addition, our archive is fully indexed by Google Scholar, and each preprint shows up as a publication preprint on the author's Google Scholar page.
Following the completion of a Polygence project, Polygence students can submit their project to be developed into a case study on our Projects page! We’ll help students with copywriting and layout to make sure their project demonstrates the high quality of their work. The case study will have a unique link to be used for sharing work on college applications, in a maker portfolio, or on job applications.
The Impact of Climate Change on Animal Behavior: The Arctic Marine and Monterey Bay Ecosystems
Coping During Covid-19: A Study on How Locus of Control Influences Coping Response in an Uncontrollable Situation
AutoMelter: An Anti-Snow System for Driveways
In addition to the Polygence-provided opportunities above, we support students taking their work even further by offering the following resources.
Premium Showcasing Support is an addition to the core program and is designed to provide more structured guidance on showcasing above and beyond sessions with a research mentor. As part of this three session program add-on, the student will be matched with a Showcasing Specialist who is trained to help them identify relevant showcasing opportunities for their research, and format their work for submission. This is ideal for students looking to submit papers for publication, compete in a science fair, turn their research into a podcast, or create a website! This can be added to their project upon enrollment, or at a later date.
Search our database for opportunities to showcase student research papers, artworks, science fair projects, etc.! All options are relevant for high school students looking for a chance to share their work with a wider audience. The database includes publications, competitions, conferences, and more!
There are other platforms available for students to showcase their work as well, especially those who develop projects that are not research papers. The Internet is basically just a gigantic self-publishing platform. We’ve had students share creative projects via video, audio, and written articles, and amplify their distribution by sharing with their friends and family on social media. Given the “do it yourself” nature of these platforms, there is no limit to how and where you can showcase your brilliance and creativity.
Our students have found success on: