Symposium of Rising Scholars Fall 2024 Academic Conference

Our Eleventh Symposium will be a virtual event held on Saturday September 21st, 2024 beginning at 8am PT.

Register here
Adventurer standing on top of a mountain

Join the event here

The "virtual" doors open at 7.45 am PT on Saturday, Sept 21. Join us and watch our talented students present their research projects and listen in on an insightful College Admissions panel discussion!

About the Symposium

Polygence's Symposium of Rising Scholars is an bi-annual virtual academic conference where Polygence students present and share their research with their peers and experts. The Symposium also includes a College Admissions Panel and Keynote Speech.

Our Spring 2024 Symposium featured over 200 student presenters, and Kelvin Doe as our Keynote Speaker. Kelvin Doe is a young Sierra Leonean engineer, who miraculously built his own radio at the age of 12 and was the youngest ever participant in the "Visiting Practitioner's Program" at MIT. You can watch his speech in our "Keynote speeches" section at the bottom of the page.

For any questions about the event, you can reach the Symposium team at [email protected]

Three students discussing a research topic

Check out our Spring 2024
Symposium Award Winners!

Illustrated young scholar stands by reception desk

Our Past Symposia

Take a look at some of our featured Symposium presentation sessions, panels and keynote speeches below!

Conference talks

Elevator pitches


Keynote speeches


Polygence is an online research academy founded by Harvard, MIT and Stanford researchers dedicated to democratizing access to research opportunities for high school students.