What variables predict ticket prices of NBA franchises?
Project by Polygence alum Andrew

Project's result
My project out come is a review of literature, presented at The Symposium of Rising Scholars, and published in The Journal of Student Research
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We examine the academic literature to determine main predictors of ticket pricing for NBA franchises over the course of a single season. Our paper follows two main sections: demand factors affecting ticket prices of NBA franchises and supply factors affecting ticket prices of NBA franchises. Related to these sections, we also map strategies NBA teams can use to extract surplus, including dynamic pricing (i.e.., price discrimination) and monopoly profits. It is important to consider team specific differences (the variability that exists between teams) as well as consider factors of pricing that affect all teams the same but may change over time (e.g., the state of the economy in the country). Although we shed light on these issues, our paper cannot possibly account for all factors.

Polygence mentor
PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate
Medicine, Quantitative, Business
Economics of the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industries; Drug Pricing; Competition studies in Healthcare Markets; Determinants of Health; Theory of Healthcare and Health; Entrepreneurship/Business
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Hi! My name is Andrew Wanghan, and my project is a review of literature on variables that can influence ticket pricing of NBA franchises. From a young age, I've always been intrigued by the NBA and economics, and wanting to become more interested, I have decided to create my project over this, and I am currently exploring more into business.
Graduation Year
Project review
“What exceeded my expectations was how fun the program would be as I got to choose a topic that I love being the NBA.”
About my mentor
“John showed me the ropes and allowed me to pick and choose whatever topic, and he was very friendly and always encouraged me to push forward.”
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