Treating Insomnia with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Implications for Mental Health Disorders
Project by Polygence alum Rachel

Project's result
Youtube video displaying my research in a unique format for easier understanding.
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My project addresses how treating insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can influence mental health disorders. Through a Youtube video geared towards the general public, I explain insomnia and why it is a worldwide problem (its impacts, economic burdens, etc.). I cover how we currently treat insomnia and how many people those treatments are effective in. I then turn to CBT as an effective treatment for insomnia. Next, I focus on the implications of treating insomnia with CBT and the potential impacts of this novel treatment on other disorders, specifically mental health disorders. I believe my video summarizing these connections is a fresh perspective on not only insomnia but mental and physical health.

Polygence mentor
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Medicine, Biology, Neuroscience
Neuroscience, Microbiome, Gut-Brain Axis, Neurodegeneration, Neuroimmunology, Autism, Parkinson's Disease, Neurotransmitters, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Addiction, Multiple Sclerosis
Check out their profile

Hello! My name is Rachel Ross. My project is about the affect of insomnia on mental health and how it can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. I know many people who suffer from these specific mental health disorders (anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder), so this project is very important to me! I decided to create a video instead of a paper to make the information more easily comprehendable.
Biotechnology High School
Graduation Year
Project review
“Meeting with my mentor exceeded my expectations. She really helped to develop my ideas and narrow it down into a feasible project. I realized throught the project that I did not want to write a paper, and my mentor helped me transform my ideas into a video.”
About my mentor
“My mentor gave me appropriate resources and understood when I was struggling. She supported me and made sure that I was passionate about the work I was doing.”