Ukrainian Refugee Immigration Patterns and Cultural Similarities | Polygence

Ukrainian Refugee Immigration Patterns and Cultural Similarities

Project by Polygence alum Dagna

Ukrainian Refugee Immigration Patterns and Cultural Similarities

Project's result

Wrote a research paper and presented at the Symposium of Rising Scholars

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On the 24 of February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, impacting millions of people's lives. The millions of displaced refugees have sparked a major international relations conflict. The majority of refugees have traveled to their neighboring country, Poland. This research paper, based on a set of survey responses and interviews, outlines key policy recommendations that the Polish government should apply to best adjust to the rapid influx in population. The policies are family, religion, and language-oriented, and focus on lengthening the stay of Ukrainian refugees.



Polygence mentor

PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate


History, Social Science


Public Policy, International Relations, International Security, East Asian International Relations, China Studies





Trinity College School

Graduation Year


Project review

“I didn't expect to learn as much as I did. I also didn't realize how many different skills this experience would teach me.”

About my mentor

“I would be absolutely no where without my mentor. He has been helpful in every part of the research process, from when I didn't know my exact topic or how to even begin to when I needed to clean up my paper. I knew that when I had a specific question that I'd get a response that would help me continue.”