Student Research Projects in Biology | Polygence
Women in lab coats researching

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Polygence's student projects span across STEM, humanities, and the arts. Final projects include research papers, websites, podcasts, and much more.

An Informative Video on Vascular Ehlers-Danlos SyndromeA Video on the Mimic OctopusA Review Paper Concerning the Possibility of Zombies Being Created NaturallyThe Impact of Climate Change on Animal Behavior: The Arctic Marine and Monterey Bay EcosystemsMechanics of Human-T-lymphotropic-Virus-Driven Adult T-LeukemiaInclusion of Photolyase in Sunscreen and its EffectsUses of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy to treat B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaAn Examination of Habitability in Exoplanet SystemsHow does the presence and removal of invasive Arundo donax impact the coverage of native creeping wild rye and valley sedge in Walnut Creek?Probiotic Possibilities In Crohn’s Disease: A Research Review ArticleHow do maternal environmental factors influence a child’s risk of developing congenital heart defects?Effect of Hypoxia on Resistance to ImmunotherapyThe effect of dance on the memory and proprioceptive ability of the elderlyEffects of Various pH Conditions on the Carbon Sequestration of Carex nudataA Review on Vitiligo: Pathogenesis, Etiology, Psychological Impacts, and Treatments.Developing a Wearable Device that can Monitor the Onset of Covid-19Immunotherapies for Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaHow CRISPR/Cas9 Can Be Used to Treat Cystic FibrosisHow can aerobic exercise and classical music improve long-term memory after the onset of anterograde amnesia?SCOBY Skin: a probiotic-induced bioengineered microbial-based textile adhesive for wound healingHow can the BDNF gene be used as a gene of interest in genetic treatment of major depressive disorder?Investigating Zinc Metalloprotease Protein Mutations in Clostridioides difficile through Multiple Sequence AlignmentMitochondrial Disease: Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and its causes, effects, and treatments.CRISPR-based therapeutic targeting of ADHDHow Gender and Race Affect the Prognosis of Breast and Pancreatic Cancer PatientsNatural selection in animalsComparing Stress in Neurotypical People and People with ASD in Terms of the PandemicImpacts of the microbiome on the development of RADo video games improve the symptoms of Tourette’s Syndrome?What are the genetic and environmental contributors to depression, and how can these influence treatment options?Immunotherapies for Breast CancerKeeping up with the Immortal Jellyfish: Biological Immortality in the Animal Kingdom & Applications for Prolonging Human LifespanPredicting Melanoma Patient's Responses to Nivolumab Immunotherapy Using Machine Learning ModelsDeconvoluting the Gut-Mind Interactome: How Structural and Functional Disruptions to the Gastrointestinal Tract Seed Neurocognitive DysregulationWhat are the most common types of hair loss and their treatment options?What are the roles of transcription factors in the inhibiting post-mitotic cell cycle?Similarities/Differences Between Bacterial/Animal/Plant Viruses And The Effects On HumansHow does exposure to environmental toxins during key developmental stages affect one's risk of getting breast cancer later in life?How do synergistic and antagonistic interspecific microbial interactions impact species?Exploring the role of CRISPR in cell-based cancer immunotherapyAddressing the biomaterial failure modes for brain computer interfacesGene Therapy With CRISPR-Cas9 To Treat Multiple SclerosisDetermining if there is a Genetic Link Between Anxiety and ADHDWhat is the current state of epi-drugs targeting DNA methylation used against leukemias, and what is their validity in terms of efficacy and safety?Novel CAR design dually targets HER2+ breast cancer and MDSCs to improve efficacy in solid tumorsCurrent treatments and future directions in leukemiaHereditary Disease Decision Making: A Game Theoretic ModelResiniferatoxin: Mechanism in Treating Osteoarthritis Pain and Slowing Osteoarthritis Progression, Safety, and EfficacyUsing a Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacogenetic Approach to Examine Nicotine AddictionCRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing: An Approach to Prevent Hereditary CancersComparison of symbrachydactyly and the phocomelia of cleft lip and palateWhat are the roles of genetics, environmental factors, and psychology in athletic performance-related traits?Battling atopic dermatitis: its prevalence, how it affects the body, and treatment optionsUnderstanding the Role of Mitochondria in Neurological DiseaseExamining optogenetically stimulated locomotive behavior in Channelrhodopsin and CsChrimson Drosophila Melanogaster strains to classify post-synaptic “moonwalker” stallingHow do MG and LSMMG conditions affect the growth of Salmonella and how can such MG-induced changes in this microbe behavior be a concern in space travel and colonization?Caffeine Consumption and Sleep in Adolescent Student AthletesInvestigating the Efficacy of AI-Powered Innovations in Cardiovascular HealthcareAnalysis of the Therapeutic Strategies Used to Treat ALS Caused by TDP-43 AggregationTeeth whitening tools and its effects on teeth and gum healthA Theoretical Approach to an HIV Vaccine Targeting CCR5A Review on the Effects of Physical Activity on Ghrelin, an Appetite-Stimulating HormoneHow can the development and application of antiviral peptide therapy be used to treat Parvovirus in endangered species, and how does this therapy compare to the treatments already on the market?Anthropogenic Noise and its Impacts on Dolphin CommunicationIncreasing Cervical Cancer Screening Access for Women in NigeriaReview of Chronic Kidney Disease and Comparison between Humans, Dogs, and CatsCannabinoids as a Therapeutic Treatment of Alzheimer's DiseaseReview Paper: The Effects of Dietary Fiber on Asthma through Cytokine ProductionWhat inherited genetic mechanisms underlie familial non-small cell lung cancer?Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Association Between Abnormal Immune Responses in the Pathogenesis of Postpartum Cardiomyopathy in Ethiopian Women: A Hospital-based Study at Saint Paul HospitalDesigning Universal CAR-T cellsHow can 3D-printed chitosan-based scaffolds be optimised to improve mechanical strength and degradation rates?Evaluating Plant and Bird Species Diversity and Abundance and Trash Pollution at three Nature Reserves in SingaporeWild Type Oncolytic Viruses as a Means for Facilitating Antitumor Immune ResponseVaried presentation of candidiasis in the Oral Cavity: Understanding Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and treatment strategiesAdvancing Gene Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease: Exploring the Potential of Prime EditingThe Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Traumatic Brain InjuriesObstacles and Potential Solutions to Feed and Sustain Humans on MarsThe effects of epigenetics on transgenerational trauma and brain anatomyExploring the Link Between ALS Progression and Physical ActivityHow does genetic hybridization (via mating/mixing of species) affect the vocalization genes in birds? How can that provide new approaches for human speech therapy?What is the correlation between diet and stomach cancer incidence rates in the USA over the past 20 years?Post-COVID-19 and Climate Change Effects on Infectious Myocarditis: Implications for the Cardiovascular SystemHow can the use of AI be used to impact the growth of Environment SustainabilityApplications of thymic organoids for autoimmune patientsSickle Cell Anemia: Genetics, Symptoms, and TreatmentsMolecular Signaling Differences in Systemic and Discoid Lupus ErythematosusHow do genetic mutations influence the development of the brain that are associated with autism?How can healthy lifestyle choices such as diet lower the chances of breast cancer in people carrying the germline BRCA1 mutation?A CRISPR-based approach to targeting a pathogenic TLR7 gene variant in systemic lupus erythematosus