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Zora C

- Research Program Mentor

PhD candidate at University of Maryland


machine learning (supervised learning, reinforcement learning, algorithmic fairness)


Hi! I'm a CS PhD student at University of Maryland. I work on machine learning. My research focus is fairness and safety in machine learning. Some of the research questions I aim to ask are: How to ensure fairness when data distribution has changed? How to understand when safety align algorithms have been jailbroken? I grew up in Shanghai and New York. I studied Math and Computer Science at Boston University. Outside of PhD I enjoy painting and going on hikes!

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Using pytorch to code a neural network classifying images

- Pytorch is a popular library for coding neural networks. I work with pytorch on my research projects. With pytorch you can train models that can classify different types of data. - What you would learn: how to code a neural netowork in pytorch, understand the pipepline of training a machine learning model, learn about loss functions and gradient descent

Discuss research topics in AI/ML, and conduct a literature survey on topics you are interested in

- Reading research papers and understanding the background related work for a topic is an important research skill. Understanding what people are interested in and working on helps inform your potential research direction. - What you would learn: where to find papers and topics to read, paper reading skills, summarizing papers and writing a literature review

Coding skills

python, pytorch, java, R

Languages I know

Mandarin, native

Teaching experience

I've taught undergraduate-level Discrete Math. I've also been a mentor for AI4ALL.



Boston University
BA Bachelor of Arts (2022)
Computer Science, Mathematics
University of Maryland
PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate
Computer Science

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