PhD candidate
Bioinformatics, Immunology, Genetics, Computational Biology, Environmental Science, Water Treatment, Aviation Safety, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Physics
Polygence mentors are selected based on their exceptional academic background, teaching experience, and unique ability to inspire the next generation of innovative thinkers and industry leaders.
Bioinformatics, Immunology, Genetics, Computational Biology, Environmental Science, Water Treatment, Aviation Safety, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Physics
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; Computational Modelling; Biology of Aging
Cognitive neuroscience, psychology, biomedical engineering, electical & computer engineering, machine learning
combinatorics, graph theory, algebra, math but make it girlypop, girlypop but make it math, co-opting math content from one area and using it in wildly incompatible (but not really) areas
Economics, Transportation, Urban Planning, Data Science, Climate Change
intersections of mathematics, applied economics, econometrics, computer science
Java Programming, Graph Databases, Collaborative Software Engineering, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Plagiarism detection in Java projects
Physics, astrophysics, galaxy evolution, observational astrophysics, computational astrophysics
coding, calculus, modeling, online game creation, epidemiology, biostatistics
Computer Science, Software Development, Data Structures & Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Computer Networking
computational fluid dynamics, computer aided design, artificial intelligence, high performance computing, machine learning, large language models, product management
Computer Science, Frontend Engineering, Product Management
Artificial intelligence(ML/NLP/DL), Computer vision & graphics
Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing, Genetic Algorithms, Agent-based Modeling, Mechanism Design, NLP Data Science
Computer Science, Programming Language Design, CPU-GPU Programming/Graphics, Game Development, Algorithms/DSA, HPC (High performance computing)
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, and Math
iOS, Swift, General computer science, Computer Science, Software Eng, AppDev
computer science (including web dev and machine learning), economics (esp. game theory and/or behavioral economics), philosophy
AI/ML, Programming, Career Guidance, Computer Science, Software Eng, AppDev
deep learning, machine learning, linear algebra, computer vision, probability theory, medical