chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, infectious disease, how drug-resistant bacterial "superbugs" emerge, how we can discover new drugs in medicinal plants
Polygence mentors are selected based on their exceptional academic background, teaching experience, and unique ability to inspire the next generation of innovative thinkers and industry leaders.
chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, infectious disease, how drug-resistant bacterial "superbugs" emerge, how we can discover new drugs in medicinal plants
Medicine, basic science, aerospace neuroscience, mental health counseling, professional writing
Pediatric medicine, biology, chemistry, premed, nursing
Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Perovskite, Batteries
global health, access to medicine, veterinary
Biomaterials, Drug Delivery, Tissue Engineering, Bioengineering, Cartilage, Chemistry, Protein Synthesis
Cancer, optics, imaging, nanotechnology, engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, bioengineering, biomedical engineering, pathology, laboratory medicine, transfusion medicine
Drug discovery, microbial interactions, environmental microbiology, genome mining, bioengineering
Condensed Matter Physics (Nanofluidics), Electromagnistm, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Machine Learning
biochemistry, analytical chemistry, microbiome, genetics, biology
Counseling psychology/mental health counseling
Chemistry, Energy Science, Materials Science, Electrochemistry, Microscopy, General Scientific Research
Use of Technology in Medicine and Surgery
Biomedical Engineering
Materials Science, Materials Chemistry, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering - manufacturing and design, nanomaterials, energy storage, batteries, rapid prototyping, and product development
Ecology, marine biology, oceanography, fisheries management, environmental policy, remote sensing
Chemistry, drug design, nanotechnology, data science, machine learning, biosensors, digital health, physics, mobile app, web development
Earth sciences, planetary sciences, physics, mathematics, chemistry, spectroscopy
Microbiology, Endocrinology, Pharmacology, Cardiology, Pain management,