PhD candidate
Pathogens, Microbiomes, Microbiology, Immunology
Polygence mentors are selected based on their exceptional academic background, teaching experience, and unique ability to inspire the next generation of innovative thinkers and industry leaders.
Pathogens, Microbiomes, Microbiology, Immunology
Literature, Poetry, Game Studies, Psychology, Philosophy (especially existentialism), Critical/Cultural Theory, and Arts
Aerospace engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Business
Psychology, Neuroscience, Pre-Medical Studies, Health & Medicine
Microbiology [bacteriology and virology], immunology, molecular biology
Veterinary Medicine,Microbiology,Public Health, Epidemiology, Food Hygiene and Food Science,Infectious Disease,Genetics
Autism, developmental disabilities, trauma, child/adolescent psychology, juvenile justice system, school-to-prison pipeline, child welfare/foster care, immigrant mental health
My degrees are in Biomedical Engineering from Columbia University and a Masters in Bioengineering from UCSD. I am an expert in tissue engineering, drug delivery, imaging analysis and disease.
General Economics, Econometrics, Statistics, Microeconomics/Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Public Economics, Environmental Economics, Development Economics
Neuroinflammation, Stroke, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Inflammation, Mood Disorders
genomics, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, computational genomics, data science, population genetics, conservation biology, microbiome research
Social Psychology, Positive Psychology, Emotions, Health, Well-being, Meditation, Social Relationships, Prosocial Behavior, Culture, Social Class, Economic Inequality, Political Polarization
product design; human-computer interaction; team dynamics; design behavior; design education
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurobiology, Biotechnology, Dentistry, MedicineEntrepreneurialism, Dentistry, Medicine, Human Development, Organizational Behavior
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Public Health
Clinical Psychology, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Neuropsychological Assessment, Neuroimaging, Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Primary Progressive Aphasia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Epilepsy
Climate Change/Oceanography (ocean acidification, coral reefs, biogeochemical models, paleontology, carbon capture, glacial weathering, climate science-policy, community-based collaborative science)
Cross Cultural conflict resolution, cultural medicine, refugee health diplomacy and policy, Middle East and North Africa
Chemistry, drug design, nanotechnology, data science, machine learning, biosensors, digital health, physics, mobile app, web development
Engineering, Business, Renewable Energy, Energy, Technology, Startups