PhD candidate
Biology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Disease Modeling with Patient Derived Stem Cells
Polygence mentors are selected based on their exceptional academic background, teaching experience, and unique ability to inspire the next generation of innovative thinkers and industry leaders.
Biology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Disease Modeling with Patient Derived Stem Cells
social psychology; motivation; social interactions; relationships; attraction; love; commitment; helping behavior; curiosity; social connection; emotion; social perception; social influence; goal pursuit; interdependence
Education Law, Civil Rights Law, Training, Crisis Response, Title IX
Anything under the scope of marine biology & ecology
Behavioral neuroscience, neuropsychological impairments, cell biology, behavioral psychology, neuropharmacology, philosophy, cognitive psychology
Data Science, Physics & Statistics
Neurodegenerative Diseases (Glaucoma, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, etc), Neuroimaging Technologies (MRI, CT, etc.), Neurotrauma (Concussions, Blast impact), Sports Medicine (new treatments, diagnostic tests), Medical Device ideation and design for underserved communities, Anything related to statistical analysis and/or data science (any industry/subject area)
music and memory, psychology, cognitive science, science and arts, neuroscience of music, music psychology, nostalgia, music-evoked emotions, emotion, projects related to human aging
Spatial Data Science; Movement Ecology; Marine Biology; Fisheries Science
Anything related to data science, machine learning and AI, social sciences, and the arts!
Education, Public Policy, Racial Inequality
mental health, psychology, public health, qualitative research, ethnography
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Cognitive Science, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Data Science
Children's Clinical psychology, Risk and resilience, Trauma, Personality Disorders, Gun Violence, Video Games
Electrical Engineering, Circuit Design, Electricity and Magnetism, Integrated Circuits, Integrated Photonics
Environmental science and sustainability, management, governance, and policy. Conservation, social science, writing. Decision-making, project management, strategic planning, and evaluation. Science communication, data management, NGOs/ nonprofits, philosophy of science, research process and methods.
Mathematical Biology, Theoretical Biophysics
product design; human-computer interaction; team dynamics; design behavior; design education