Joseph N
- Research Program Mentor
MD at East Carolina University
medicine (radiology) and interplay with data science, beginner coding projects for those with an interest in medicine and looking to gain experience in the publication process.
Dr. Joseph (Joe) Nenow started his career at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, where he majored in Biochemistry. He advanced to medical school at East Carolina University and subsequently matched into diagnostic radiology at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA. His academic passion is introducing future physicians and scientists to research through mentoring in writing and data science. Mentees will participate in the scientific process through a guided approach to produce research posters and articles that form the backbone of a robust pre-medical application. In his own time, he is interested in physical fitness, science fiction, and numerous ongoing computer science endeavors.Project ideas
Intro to Research
As a college applicant interested in science and medicine, we want you to discover passion in the sub-fields of science: from astrophysics to zoology. We also want you to discover the leaders in those fields. In this project, we start with 1-2 exploratory sessions finding which parts of science or medicine appeal to you. We then dive into PubMed and spend several sessions breaking down the latest research on the topic - taking notes along the way. We finish by compiling our findings into a writing blog piece that provides numerous leads for independent follow-up and potential mentors at colleges of interest. While apparently ideal for rising 12th graders, this project benefits those high schoolers who think they conduct research as part of their career as a scientist or a physician.