Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects

Fresh graduates taking a selfie
Jonathan Hus
Jonathan Hus
Donna Klein Jewish Day School
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Effect of silver-containing wound dressings on the growth of bacteria“

Olivia Hwang
Olivia Hwang
Cupertino High School
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “Based on the current trajectory of birth rates and potential events affecting birth rates, how will public school enrollment in the United States change by 2060?“

Vivek Inumella
Vivek Inumella
B. Reed Henderson High School
Polygence Scholar 2021

Project: “Analysis of Covid metadata“

Aziza Isbekova
Aziza Isbekova
Nazarbayev Intellectual School
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Aziza is still picking between two topics: 1) CRISPR-Cas9 systems: the recent approach for diagnostics and therapeutics of COVID-19 disease. 2) Possible use of daisy chain gene drives to address the ethical problems of using gene drives.“

Achyut Iyengar
Achyut Iyengar
Oak Park High School
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Schizophrenia in Modern Times“

Adarsh Iyer
Adarsh Iyer
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “gAIt: Deep Learning Based Evaluation of Injurious RunningBiomechanics Using 2-Dimensional Pose Estimation“

Maya Iyer
Maya Iyer
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “The Effects of Diabetes on Patients with Stroke“

Nikhita Jagathesan
Nikhita Jagathesan
Polygence Scholar 2024

Project: “Expanding the Equation: Exploring the Links Between Academia, Medicine, and Public Policy in Regards to Racial Disparities within Healthcare“

Ishaan Jalan
Ishaan Jalan
La Martiniere for Boys
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Detecting NBA players from images“

Ezra James
Ezra James
Palos Verdes Peninsula High School
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Which form of CCT, natural or industrial, is the most sustainable way of reducing Carbon in the air at an efficient rate?“

Esther Jang
Esther Jang
Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Why is it that South and East Asian populations have a higher incidence of type 2 diabetes?“

Dhruva Jayanth
Dhruva Jayanth
Saratoga High
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “Impacts of the microbiome on the development of RA“

Shivani Jayaprakasam
Shivani Jayaprakasam
International Community School
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “What is the best treatment approach for children after experiencing trauma from natural disasters?“

Anabelle Jerome
Anabelle Jerome
Passaic County Technical Vocational Schools
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “What Are The Disruptive Onslaughts That Fast Fashion Supply Chains Present to Ecosystems and Local Lifestyles, and How do We Conceive Supply Chains That Aren't Disruptive To Ecosystems and Locals Through Abolishing the Worldwide Industrial Disposition That Cost Efficiency Is the Only Priority“

Dagna Jezioro
Dagna Jezioro
Trinity College School
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Ukrainian’s Refugee Immigration Patterns and Cultural Similarities“

Simon Jiang
Simon Jiang
Ramsey High School
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “The effectiveness of aerobic exercise as an antidepressant “

Finn Johnson
Finn Johnson
Polygence Scholar 2024

Project: “Understanding How the Costs of Tennis Affect the Composition of Players“

Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “Investigating the Effects of 3D Printed Drone Propeller Shape on Efficiency“

Mosi Jones
Mosi Jones
Health Careers High School (Northside)
Polygence Scholar 2022

Project: “Bacteriophage Use as a Living Therapy and Alternative to Antibiotics in The Dawn of Multi Drug Resistance“

Ryan Joseph
Ryan Joseph
Polygence Scholar 2023

Project: “NBA Salary Predictor Web App and NBA Shot Chart Web App“