Ziyue Zhang | Polygence
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Polygence Scholar2023
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Ziyue Zhang

Class of 2024Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai


My name is Christy!

Project Portfolio

Caffeine Consumption and Sleep in Adolescent Student Athletes

Started Mar. 21, 2023

Portfolio item's cover image

Abstract or project description

The present study aims to understand the relationship between the quantity and quality of sleep and caffeine consumption in to understand further conditions that optimize student-athletes’ sports and academic performance. We found an inverse relationship between the hours of sports played and sleep quality, a positive relationship between sleep quantity and sleep quality, and that as caffeine consumption increases, sleep quality decreases. The results partially supported our hypothesis and suggested that student-athletes should be cautious of the relationships between caffeine consumption and sleep to further optimize their sports and academic performance. We strongly encourage student-athletes to prioritize sleep during the sports season. Not only does sleep further improve and maximize athletic performances, but sleep also reduces the chances of getting injuries moving forward.