Tsolmon Enkhjargal
Russian Embassy school in MongoliaClass of 2021Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar
- "The journey of Cassie into the CRISPR world" with mentor Olivia (Mar. 10, 2022)
Project Portfolio
The journey of Cassie into the CRISPR world
Started Oct. 14, 2021
Abstract or project description
"The journey of Cassie into the CRISPR world" is an informative, illustrative part about CRISPR related systems in modern gene engineering. With this book, we hope to illustrate and educate people on CRISPR Cas technologies that are used in many fields of the science world. CRISPR has made many breakthroughs throughout history and it's great to be informed about gene engineering because it affects many aspects of our life: just recently due to the global pandemic many vaccines were developed on a gene edited basis to help prevent a mass-spread disease. CRISPR technology has come a long way beginning with the discovery of CRISPR and Cas enzymes leading up to the future of CRISPR in medicine, and how it can be used routinely. I wanted to visualize and retell the history of CRISPR in an informative and entertaining way. Not many are familiar with the CRISPR related technologies and systems. Oftentimes it can be confusing because it includes a lot of material and complex words in one paper and concept. With this informative book you can get a great comprehension for the field we have gathered as much of the general information possible for people to learn about gene engineering, CRISPR specifically, in under a few minutes. "Cassie" the Cas protein takes the reader on a journey explaining what CRISPR technologies consist of and the areas the technologies excell in such as biology, medicine, food science and epidemiology. Cassie takes us on a intellectual journey that many find interesting and engaging.