Soo Hyun Lim | Polygence
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Soo Hyun's Symposium Presentation

Project Portfolio

What are some factors that cause lower female labor participation and what are the possible adverse effects it can pose for the future? How can we counteract the economic disparity in labor participation?

Started Dec. 27, 2023

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Abstract or project description

In this paper, I will aim to study female labor force participation and consider potential threats and obstacles women face that may inhibit their participation in the labor force. This ultimately serves as the culprit and driving force for the underrepresentation of females in the labor force. My project presents the numerous factors that cause lower female labor participation, the possible benefits of increasing it, and potential solutions to overcome this economic disparity. I will analyze statistics from the World Bank by creating infographics such as scatterplots. In addition, I conduct literature reviews which serve as my main source of information.