Rhea Menon
Wayzata high schoolClass of 2024Minneapolis, minnesota
Project Portfolio
Affordable Housing
Started Jan. 13, 2023
Abstract or project description
Rhea is working on the definition and design of a social housing project. We are looking at the history of affordable housing, what makes them more or less succesful, and how they impact the community. Based on this research and analysis, we are proposing our own design, situated somewhere between a utopic vision and a grounded proposal. The idea is to fabricate an architectural project that answers all the constraints of affordable housing while proposing a new alternative to their existing form.
Project Portfolio
Geometric Strategies in Minneapolis City Hall
Started Dec. 3, 2021
Abstract or project description
Rhea is looking into the Minneapolis City Hall building as a focus of architectural study. She is interested in examining the geometry, patterns, and scales deployed in the utilization of windows, and in understanding how each part contributes to how we perceive the whole. She is interested in structuring the paper as a comparison of City Hall to another building, probably one from the renaissance or one that's more modern. She will approach the topic through research and writing as well as drawings.