Mira Kunz
Bellarmine Preparatory SchoolClass of 2023University Place, Washington
- "The Impact of Covid-19 on Adolescent Anxiety and Depression" with mentor Mandy (Aug. 31, 2021)
Mira's Symposium Presentation
Project Portfolio
The Impact of Covid-19 on Adolescent Anxiety and Depression
Started Apr. 21, 2021
Abstract or project description
My project is about the impact that Covid-19 has had on anxiety and depression in adolescents ranging from 13-19 years old in the Puget Sound region. The severe impact of Covid-19 has largely increased the amount of individuals suffering from anxiety and depression due to the isolation they felt during Covid-19. The way I will be conducting my research is by sending out a survey to a large variety of people, that has a valid scale that pertains to the area of research in this project. My survey will capture the severity of the anxiety and depression that the subjects have experienced over the past year. They would then answer the survey and I would then gather all the collective information on an excel spreadsheet that I could analyze further. After analyzing the data I would come to a conclusion that I would portray in an informative video or research paper.