Krrishika Saxena
Arcadia High SchoolClass of 2024Arcadia, California
- "Understanding the prevalence of Alzhiemer's Disease and challenges associated with therapeutic treatments" with mentor Sabin (Aug. 31, 2021)
Krrishika's Symposium Presentation
Project Portfolio
Understanding the prevalence of Alzhiemer's Disease and challenges associated with therapeutic treatments
Started May 15, 2021
Abstract or project description
Krrishika is working on a research paper about Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this research paper, she is interested in discussing the following key points: the prevalence of AD among certain populations, co-morbidities that contribute to AD, potential treatments for AD and challenges associated with curing AD. For the first main point, discussing the prevalence of AD, she plans to write about the genetic risk factors underlying AD and exploring how there are sex-differences and ethnicity differences associated in developing AD. For the second main point, discussing co-morbidies that can contribute to AD, she plans to write about the genetic risk factors contribute to disruption of certain biological processes which can contribute to developing AD and exploring the sex-differences and ethnicity differences of certain co-morbidies associated with AD. In the third main point, she plans to discuss current therapetutics approaches used to treat AD, the challenges and limitations for developing effective therapeutics, future treatment approaches being developed.