Krishna Chemudupati
Windermere Preparatory SchoolClass of 2023Winter Garden, Florida
Hello people of the world! I am Krishna Chemudupati, and aspiring engineer seeking out ways in which I can use research and investigation to better the current state of the world, specifically the aspects of it impacting climate change. I chose to work on the effectiveness of microalgae to produce natural fuel in a renewable way by learning about the ways in which it is affected by other naturally variating things like temperature and the amount of sunlight present. I want to move forward by researching and investigating more innovative methods of producing fuel sustainably since fuel is a large part of our society that is often developed through unsustainable means.Projects
- "Impact of Environmental Variations on Biodiesel Harvesting from Chlorophyceae in Raceway-Style Ponds" with mentor Alina (Aug. 31, 2022)
Project Portfolio
Impact of Environmental Variations on Biodiesel Harvesting from Chlorophyceae in Raceway-Style Ponds
Started Apr. 16, 2022
Abstract or project description
In a world that is increasingly reliant on energy, it is unsustainable to be dependent on fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Finding renewable sources of energy that can efficiently support the needs of the modern world is crucial. The following scientific review closely examines microalgae cultured in wastewater as a source of biodiesel, specifically, the well-studied Chlorophyceae class. Chlorophyceae primarily live in freshwater bodies and contain high levels of lipids, making them an ideal type of microalgae for biodiesel extraction. One of the most commonly used methods of mass-producing biodiesel from microalgae is open paddlewheel raceway-style ponds. In these open pond systems, various environmental factors can fluctuate which could reduce biodiesel production in microalgae. Several such limitations exist when considering biodiesel obtained from microalgae as an alternative to fossil fuels. Any light intensity over 600 µE resulted in an optimal lipid level by maximizing photosynthetic activity. Temperatures need to be maintained between 28 and 43 ℃ to avoid thermal stratification. Furthermore, lower pH values yield greater quantities of lipids which are used for biodiesel production. This investigation serves to highlight the drawbacks which may help determine optimal microalgae growth conditions for biodiesel production.