Jasmita Yechuri
Monta Vista High SchoolClass of 2022Cupertino, California
- "The intersection of test anxiety and listening to familiar or unfamiliar music affecting one's overall performance on a task." with mentor Macrina (Sept. 20, 2021)
Project Portfolio
The intersection of test anxiety and listening to familiar or unfamiliar music affecting one's overall performance on a task.
Started Mar. 27, 2021
Abstract or project description
Previous studies have shown us the effects that background music has while learning new material. Background music can help one while studying as it can improve mood and overall performance when doing work, but it can also be distracting. Although studies have looked at the effects of music genre on studying, no studies have examined how participants’ familiarity with background music affects their performance. In this study, we will be looking into the effects of listening to familiar and unfamiliar music on performance on a reading comprehension task. We will also examine how this effect is moderated by the participant’s test anxiety. In the future, I plan to submit this research paper to The Young Scientists Journal.