Jonathan Pelzar
Class of 2026Walden, NY
- The effect of aerobic versus strength training on the treatment of epilepsy with mentor Samantha (May 12, 2024)
- "Neuroscience and emotions: how are internal states generated and shaped?" with mentor Rahul (Dec. 3, 2023)
Jonathan's Symposium Presentation
Project Portfolio
The effect of aerobic versus strength training on the treatment of epilepsy
Started Nov. 1, 2023

Abstract or project description
Numerous rodent and human studies have found exercise to decrease the effects of epilepsy both reducing number of seizures and increasing latency to seizure. However, it is unclear whether different forms of exercise have differential effects on improving epilepsy. Jack seeks to examine whether type of exercise--aerobic versus strength training--has an effect on seizure burden and susceptibility. He is also interested in the interplay of exercise and parvalbumin (PV) interneurons. What effect does exercise have on inhibitory interneurons? Does type of exercise alter this effect? These questions will get at the most effective exercise approach to reduce and prevent seizures and begin to understand the mechanism behind this remarkable effect.
Project Portfolio
Neuroscience and emotions: how are internal states generated and shaped?
Started Oct. 9, 2023

Abstract or project description
We all experience a huge range of emotions on a daily basis. Have you ever wondered how they come about? In this pod, we’ll explore the key aspects of how the brain generates and shapes emotions and how this is related to key concepts in mental health. In the process, we will cover the fundamentals of neuroscience and move on to the neurotransmitter systems, neural circuits, and genetics involved in generating and shaping emotions. We will then move on to discuss conditions where emotional regulation is disrupted, including anxiety and depression, and how they are currently treated.