Caitlyn Kim
Class of 2029
- "Can a plant’s height be increased when given compliments or decreased when being bullied?" with mentor Charlotte (Aug. 14, 2023)
Project Portfolio
Can a plant’s height be increased when given compliments or decreased when being bullied?
Started Apr. 28, 2023
Abstract or project description
One potential stimulus that plants respond to is the human voice. This experiment will test if the way people talk to their plants can change the height of the plant. Other research papers have found that classical music increases a plant's height while loud rock music will decrease the plant's height. These papers are of limited quality because they only have one plant per condition. For this research there it would be at least 3 replicates to prove that the findings were not a coincidence and show real differences between the conditions. This experiment will be growing plants and exposing some to compliments and others to bullying. The experiment will include many controls such as a self-watering system so that each plant consumes the same amount of water, and false sunlight so that each plant will get the same sunlight. This experiment will demonstrate whether compliments improve a plant's growth, if this is true then this would be a new and cheap way for people to improve the health of their house plants.