Addite Rajvaidya
Class of 2024Indore, Madhya Pradesh
#### ***Hey everyone! My name is Addite Rajvaidya. I'm a junior in high school. I want to conduct research on windmills-- how we can make them more efficient and especially, noiseless!***Projects
- "Can the application of a PVDF coating on windmill blades made out of Zinc Oxide enable the generation of piezoelectricity through mechanical vibrations induced by wind flow?" with mentor Quantum (May 7, 2024)
Addite's Symposium Presentation
Project Portfolio
Can the application of a PVDF coating on windmill blades made out of Zinc Oxide enable the generation of piezoelectricity through mechanical vibrations induced by wind flow?
Started Aug. 4, 2023
Abstract or project description
Venturing beyond the ordinary in the world of wind energy, I embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of windmill efficiency. Imagine blades that not only harness the wind's kinetic energy but also conjure electricity through the power of piezoelectricity. Currently, piezoelectricity is generated by converting wind-induced linear motion, facilitated by a Scotch yoke mechanism and springs, into electrical energy through piezoelectric levers in a wind power harvester. This research delves into the fascinating realm of PVDF-coated Zinc Oxide windmill blades, challenging the status quo and elevating the possibilities of sustainable energy. As we’ll navigate this uncharted territory, key terms such as piezoelectricity will be defined for clarity and will set the stage for an electrifying adventure into wind energy's future. The rationale behind this study is rooted in the pursuit of maximizing energy conversion in wind turbines. By harnessing the structural and piezoelectric properties of PVDF and ZnO, I aim to augment energy generation from windmill blades. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts to make wind energy more easy, efficient, and sustainable.