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The Ecology of Infectious Disease: Exploring the Origins and Spread of Zoonotic Diseases
Many infectious diseases originate from animal origins and understanding the transmission of diseases requires a multidisciplinary mindset. Students will learn from a wide range of subjects such as epidemiology, biology, environmental science, medicine, veterinary science, and ecology. This pod will explore the field of public health from a One Health perspective that incorporates human, animal, and environmental health. Students will choose a disease that is prevalent in their area or a region they are interested in and develop a short research article and presentation on the topic.
Week by week curriculum
Week 1
Public Health Introduction: We will start by exploring the realm of public health and epidemiology, introducing the idea of One Health perspective to approaching disease. This will also include a review of zoonotic diseases and the ones of most concern in the United States.
Week 2
Transmission Ecology: We will review a zoonotic disease together and discuss the ecology and factors that are involved in the transmission of this disease. Later we will explore how to structure a scientific paper after reviewing students' individual project ideas together.
Week 3
Seasonality of Diseases: Using our disease example from Week 2, we will dive deeper into the seasonality of a disease and how to interpret disease trends. Students will discuss their project outlines with one another and share ideas for effective visualizations to include in their project.
Week 4
Public Health Interventions: How do we use epidemiologic data to inform our public health interventions? In this session we will look at the ways that surveillance data is applied to make public health decisions and the types of interventions that may be utilized for a disease. Students will learn how to participate in the peer review process and provide constructive ways of giving feedback to one another.
Week 5
Partnership and Paper Review: When addressing a public health issue, we want to identify stakeholders and partnerships for collaboration, especially when addressing One Health diseases. This session will focus on identifying the audience you are trying to reach and what partnerships you may need to form in order to address a disease. We will review the paper feedback that students received from podmates and finalize project outcomes.
Week 6
Group presentations: Students will share their final presentations with the pod on their chosen disease topic. We will engage in a discussion over the process of completing their paper and how to submit their paper for a pre-print archive.