Quantum W
- Research Program Mentor
PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
mechanical engineering (thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluids). entrepreneurship (cleantech, social enterprise).
I am a thermal-fluids engineer by training. I spent my PhD developing a more affordable and sustainable water desalination technology. I am also passionate about science/technology policy and effective communication. I have co-founded a cleantech start-up (harmony desal) and a food security non-profit (project restore us). My hobbies include creative writing, music, and art. I also enjoy cooking, playing sports, and watching movies. I've driven across the country twice and am planning a third trip.Project ideas
Building a resilient water supply for the future
The vast majority of our water supply is reliant on rainfall. as freshwater consumption increases and rainfall becomes more uncertain, more people and places will face extreme drought. How can we utilize alternative sources of water (desalination, water recycling) to build a resilient water supply? You might pick a city of interest and predict how often it will face drought given different water supply portfolios and under various patterns of rainfall and water consumption.
Impacts of widespread desalination use
Water desalination allows us to turn the oceans and underground aquifers into freshwater sources. There are fears that widespread use of water desalination will irreparably alter local ecosystems and deplete aquifers. Which of these fears are unfounded and which should policy makers be cognizant of? This problem might be approach from two ends. Using mass balance models, calculate how much desalination would be needed to significantly alter the salt content within a particular region. This number can then be compared to projected freshwater use within the same region.