Danielle W
- Research Program Mentor
PhD at University of Southern California (USC)
Public Policy, Program Evaluation, Criminal Justice Reform, Prisoner Reentry, Education
I received my PhD in public policy from the University of Southern California. My doctoral research consisted of evaluations of programs intended to assist marginalized populations, particularly in the areas of prisoner reentry and education. I enjoy reading, tending to my succulents, and volunteering with organizations involved with assisting immigrants and refugees.Project ideas
Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.
There's no place like home
This project would consist of examining housing restrictions placed on the formerly incarcerated once they're released from custody. The student would then analyze these policies as well as the resulting consequences using a selection of evaluation tools, such as cost-benefit analysis and criteria matrices. Policy recommendations would then be made based on this analysis.
Coding skills
StataTeaching experience
For several years I was a teaching assistant and then instructor of record for an upper-level undergraduate course on public policy analysis at the University of Southern California. I also participated in the teaching assistant fellowship program while at USC and once received the outstanding teaching assistant award.Credentials
Work experience
Vera Institute of Justice (2018 - 2019)
Duke University
BA Bachelor of Arts (2004)
Art historyAmerican University
MPP Master of Public Policy (2011)
University of Southern California (USC)
PhD Doctor of Philosophy (2021)