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Abigail G

- Research Program Mentor

PhD candidate at Dartmouth College


Cancer biology, research, translational research


My name is Abigail Goen. I am a sixth year Ph.D student in the Miller and Samkoe Labs at Dartmouth College. My research is primarily focused on testing novel therapeutics to treat drug-resistant, metastatic breast cancer. I have two main projects; (i) testing potential drug targets in dormant cancer, and (ii) identifying new drug targets against a particular mutation that drives metastases and disease recurrence. Although our lab spans basic, translational, and clinical research, I do most of my work in vitro and in mouse models. My undergraduate work was more microbiology focused and looked at sequencing bacteria. Outside of the lab I am a mom of three. I have a freshman in college studying business and Biotechnology and, a sophomore in college studying Neuroscience, and one in high school grader that is a talented athlete and has a great engineering mind. We live in the lakes region in NH and spend most of our time outside boating, fishing, and kayaking. We have 2 doodles and are completely obsessed with them. I love to share my passion for science and research and very much enjoy mentoring others.

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Writing A Scientific Review

My favorite approach to be introduced to scientific research is to write a scientific review. It helps to develop your ability to read peer-reviewed literature, understand what is already known about your topic of interest, and often leads to hypothesis formation for next steps in the field.

Designing a Podcast

This kind of project allows you to create a dynamic to explore new topics through discussion, reflection, and commentary. The sky is the limit with what you would like to do with this. From deep dives into scientific topics to interviewing science-related people about their journeys, to reflecting on how science help us to understand the world around us and its limits, it can be a great way to experience and engage the scientific community.

Translating Peer Literature into Audio for Scientists to Read on The Go

This is a project I have always wanted to do. We would need to explore the correct way and forum to present others' work. I think this could be a great project to get exposure to literature reading and problem solving how to present figures without being able to see them.

Teaching experience

University of New Hampshire: Adjunct Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology Lab Adjunct Instructor, The Small Microbial World Teaching Assistant, Aquatic Microbiology Adjunct Instructor, Microbiology Lab Adjunct Instructor, General Chemistry Lab Teaching Assistant, Principles of Biology Master Peer Tutor (Fall 2015-2018) o Tutored for Biology, Genetics, Pathogenic and General Microbiology, Ecology (specifically writing in the sciences) o Acted as a facilitator between students and professors o Developed one on one relationships with peers through side by side learning o Led study groups on complex scientific material for groups of 10-15 students o Problem solved comprehension based topics with innovative solutions Support Educator for Lab Girls: The program offers after-school opportunity for middle school girls to learn about careers in STEM fields from women who work in a variety of professional STEM jobs. The program features guest speakers that speak to girls about their personal journeys that brought them to their current careers, the trials and triumphs, and words of wisdom. Each speaker performs an experiment with the girls with assistance from myself, Susie (director of the program) and Carol Young (Director of the science department at our local high school) as well as several high school girls in advanced STEM courses.



University of New Hampshire
BS Bachelor of Science (2018)
Microbiology, Chemistry, Biomedical Science
Dartmouth College
PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate
Cancer Research

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