Garret G
- Research Program Mentor
JD at University of Iowa
Finance, Law, Corporate Finance, Statistics
I am Garret Gibson and am recently graduated from a dual-graduate degree program at the University of Iowa. Upon my undergrad graduation, I entered law school at The University of Iowa Law School and after my first year was accepted to the dual-graduate degree program. During my second and third years of law school, I completed my MS in Finance through the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. Through the valuable experience I gained from my program, I have come to have an appreciation for both quantitative and qualitative learning and research. I work at EY up in Minneapolis and am within the International Tax and Transaction Services sub-service line. I enjoy the outdoors, love to golf, and love to read everyday. I have a Bernedoodle named Myla that takes up about all the extra time I can spare.Project ideas
Regression Predicting College Football Wins
For this project, steps could include: Downloading data related to past college football seasons including overall record; compiling statistics relating to yardarge for offense and yardage given up by defense; gathering statistics relating to head coach- whatever you think might be helpful in explaining the overall record of college football teams! Then once all the stats and data are downloaded and cleaned up, we could run a regression to see if any variables are statistically significant in predicting number of wins for a season.
Statistically Selecting Stocks
This project would entail researching various ratios and other statistics of publicly traded stocks. With an understanding of some stock ratios and statistics the student would then and then formulate a method for selecting stocks based upon these ratios or statistics. The stock selection method the student comes up with would be in an effort to outperform the overall market or a specific index. The student's portfolio would then be tracked against the overall market or a specific market index to determine the student's portfolio excess return.