Hala E
- Research Program Mentor
JD candidate at University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Human Rights, American Foreign Policy, Political Science and Theory, Classics, Creative Writing
My name is Hala and I am currently a JD Candidate, hoping to pursue civil rights and technology law. I wrote my undergraduate thesis (in the major Ethics, Politics, and Economics) on the viability of social media companies being held liable for the human rights abuses advertised and perpetrated through their platforms. In my undergraduate studies, I studied whether or not human rights as a priority could be maintained as a foreign policy strategy. I also focused on immigration through both legal aid and my Grand Strategy capstone research project. In my spare time, I'm a huge reader and writer. I was an opinion columnist for my college daily and took numerous writing classes. I am interested in nonfiction persuasive writing (especially as a former intercollegiate debater) as well as realistic fiction. My favorite authors (as of late) include Min Jin Lee, Donna Tartt, and Brandon Sanderson. I also love hiking, skiing, and discovering the best coffeeshops.Project ideas
The Culpability of Companies
Twenty companies are responsible for a third of carbon emissions. Algorithms on social media sites are causing an uptick in hate crime and suicides. Can companies be held accountable for the impacts of their production? There is opportunity to specialize specifically in climate change, harmful algorithms, AI, or something else. This would be an intermediate or advanced research paper depending on the scope of the paper.
How should we live the Good Life?
Outside of religion, ethicists often draw upon philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Mill for prescriptions on how to live a good life. However, can we still use their frameworks on how to live morally in a society where we have limited choice whether it be when dealing with transportation, school systems, or agriculture? As consumers, how responsible are we for the infractions of companies that often dominate the market? (If you liked watching the Good Place, think of Doug Forcett.) This would involve an analysis of 2-3 philosophers and their applicability to modern day as well as the potential for coming up with your own philosophical doctrine!
The Youth Perspective
Oftentimes, many issues that are decided in legislative bodies most affect children and young adults, yet Congress is one of the oldest in history. Do we have a gerontocracy? How can those under 30 use their firsthand experience to create change within our political system on issues like gun control, school systems, and drug use? This project could either be a proposal or a collection of op-eds.
"Apolitical" Actors
Is the system where nation states are the only political actors becoming obsolete? When major companies have GDPs larger than entire countries and their platforms can alter the political landscape of entire countries (think the Arab Spring), should they get representation in international bodies? This would be an advanced research paper due to the legal complexities.