Claire L
- Research Program Mentor
MPA at Cornell University
History, Social Science Research, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Justice, Disaster Risk, Climate Adaptive Agriculture, Food Systems, Climate Change
Hello! My name is Claire and I just completed my Master's in Public Policy and International Development from Cornell University, specializing in climate-smart agriculture, disaster resilience, and nutrition-sensitive food systems. I've worked as a research consultant for the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, Cornell Food Systems Global Change team, and the Gates Foundation focusing on agricultural technology, climate change, and ways to instill resilience in our built and ecological environments. I currently work for CARE International, on a climate-resilient ag extension model helping female smallholder farmers, and consult for an environmental advocacy non-profit on agricultural policy. I love cooking, crafting, hiking, foraging, and being on the water. I'm obsessed with languages and history and have a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Jewish & Middle Eastern Studies. I'd love to connect and help you achieve your project goals!Project ideas
How can we help farmers adapt to climate change?
A project focused on the policy, structural, and technological changes that could help farmers prepare for climate change. This could involve a nutrition, gender, or racial justice focus, and could focus on a specific area or type of producer. Based on your interest this project could look at fisherman, smallholder farmers, urban farms, large food producers, or sustainable aquaculture/kelp producers.
Disaster Resilience and Your Area
A project focused on local community resilience in your home, this research will map out community vulnerability, assets, and help to build a disaster preparedness plan that can help make my community more prepared for climate change hazards.
Building Food Justice
This research will focus on the concept of food justice in a theoretical and practical sense. This could involve a gender or racial justice focus, for example. We could focus on a specific area or type of producer.and will then examine how different policy or political changes can improve the nutritional security of households.
The History of Race and Food in America
This project would examine the racial dynamics of food throughout American history. This research will delve into history to help answer our modern question: who owns land in this country and why, where is food unaffordable, and who is producing our food?