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Gabriela G

- Research Program Mentor

DVM candidate at North Carolina State University


Veterinary medicine, Conservation medicine, Animals, Research paper writing/review, College admissions, Personal development


I am a driven 4th year veterinary student pursuing Small Companion & Exotic Animal Medicine. Professionally, I'm known for being a quick learner with an enthusiastic attitude, tireless work ethic, & creative problem-solving skills. I'm specifically interested in behavior, feline (cat) medicine, and wildlife rescue/conservation. My friends would describe me as: "the friend you go to with personal/embarrassing questions," "a loyal friend with trustworthy advice," and "hilariously unique and an advocate for what she believes in." If I wasn't a veterinarian, I could see myself being a high school guidance counselor. Outside of school, I love doing hot yoga, trying new restaurants, and listening to Taylor Swift.

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Review of dog-breed associated diseases

Although all dog breeds fall under the same species, breed associated diseases is an emerging field. Are there identified genes for these specific disease? Do newer mixed breeds still get these diseases? Students can read current literature and create a review paper on a wide variety of diseases or focus on a specific breed.

Socioeconomic barriers to pursuing higher education

Pursuing higher education is a great privilege that many students do not have the resources to pursue. Students can read papers on standardized testing and historical barriers to education and synthesize the information in an essay or creative format like a poem.

Teaching experience

After tutoring college athletes for multiple years, I've developed a knack for stoking student's current passions and developing both their academic and personal aspirations.



University of Florida (UF)
BS Bachelor of Science (2020)
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Minor in International Studies
North Carolina State University
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine candidate
Animal Sciences

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