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Emma S

- Research Program Mentor

MS at University of Wales, Bangor


Anything under the scope of marine biology & ecology


I most often describe myself as a marine invertebrate ecologist! My research to date has primarily focused on prey choice in predatory Cancer crabs. However, I am fascinated by all subfields of marine biology, which has led me to teaching online! I teach a wide variety of courses on topics ranging from coral reefs to shells--and from marine disease ecology to the deep sea! It might be hard to believe, but I love reading new scientific papers (particularly on bryozoans) and sharing science with others in my free time! I have always been passionate about marine life, and my passion has definitely translated into my hobbies. When I'm not learning, you can find me critiquing movies set in the ocean, looking for references to marine creatures in fiction, and fact-checking science clickbait.

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Fact-checking Marine Media

We see so much information online, and most of it is presented as fact. But can we believe the Internet when it says blobfish don't have bones? (No, we can't, because they do have bones!) A student might pick a movie, species, or website to fact-check. They might choose to critique this media in the form of a presentation, infographic, social media campaign, or even a scientific research paper! Students will learn how to approach media critically and develop their research skills. They will also learn how to communicate their findings to others.

Literature Review

There is so much scientific literature out there ready to be synthesized! This is an excellent project option for students who are ready to pursue a (marine biology) research project of their own but do not live near the ocean. I am open to working with students who want to research any topic under the marine biology/ecology umbrella. Students might choose to learn about whale fall ecosystems, MPA regulation efficacy, aquaculture policies, larval dynamics, octopus camouflage, sharks' role in food webs, or something completely different! Students will write a scientific research paper detailing their findings, gaining critical professional scientific communication skills. They will also learn how to synthesize information from scientific articles while exploring a subject that interests them.

Teaching experience

I have been teaching marine biology & ecology to gifted students online since 2016. Some of my students have gone on to complete projects under my guidance, which include assessing tidepool health, conducting literature reviews on ancient marine organisms, and monitoring sea lion populations.


Work experience

Athena's Advanced Academy (2016 - Current)
Modesto Junior College (2024 - Current)
Adjunct Professor
Arizona State University (2023 - Current)
Instructional Aide


University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC)
BS Bachelor of Science (2020)
Ecology & Evolution
University of Wales, Bangor
MS Master of Science (2022)
Marine Biology

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