Henry C
- Research Program Mentor
PhD candidate at Oxford University
robotics, machine learning/data science, philosophy, photography, organismal/mathematical biology
My name is Henry Cerbone. I graduated from Harvard in May with an undergraduate degree that I designed encompassing robotics, computer science, philosophy, mathematics, and biology coupled with a masters in computer science. I am now a member of the Oxford Flight Group as a Biology PhD student. I'm interested in understanding how animals exist in the world. As an extension of this interest, I'm then also interested in using that understanding to help make robots that better exist in the world. In my free time, I enjoy cooking and photography. Much of my photography work centers around macrophotography, particularly insects. I enjoy reading (non-fiction and poetry) and writing (creative non-fiction).Project ideas
Simulation Projects with Robotics
Simulation technology has drastically changed our ability to work with technical systems that aren't physically in front of us. Namely, robotics simulation technology has become increasingly advanced. We will leverage tools from major companies like Google and Amazon to tackle questions in robotics all in simulation!
Ethics of AI
Artificial intelligence is promising many big changes in our world. In this project, we will spend some time understanding the technical underpinnings of things like generative AI and then dive into literature on the ethics of it. Students will come away with a deeper understanding of generative AI from both technical and societal standpoint.