Loren R
- Research Program Mentor
PhD candidate at University of Chicago
Neurobiology and drug addiction
Hi! My name is Loren, and I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in neurobiology at the University of Chicago. I am interested in studying to neurobiological mechanisms of addiction and using that knowledge to develop new treatment strategies for those suffering from substance use disorders. My thesis work aims to develop a novel skin cell-based gene therapy as a potential therapeutic for nicotine abuse and alcohol nicotine co-abuse. I became passionate about studying addiction while working at a hospital in college as a nursing assistant where I provided constant monitoring for patients suffering from substance use disorders. I was born and raised in Naperville, a suburb of Chicago, and have lived in the city ever since! When I’m not in the lab, I love being outside by the lake, napping, drinking coffee, and eating Trader Joe’s chipotle black bean dip. I remember being in high school and feeling torn in several different directions while needing to narrow down my career path. If you feel that way, you’re not alone! I’m here to help! Mentors have been vital to my career and education. Let’s work together!!Project ideas
E-cigarette Use Among Teens
The use of tobacco products, such as cigarettes, remains a severe worldwide health concern. Nicotine is the addictive substance found in cigarettes that results in habitual and unhealthy smoking behaviors. Nicotine use among teens and young adults is becoming increasingly more problematic through things like electronic cigarettes with a variety of fruity flavors that are marketed towards young people. In this project we could explore: - How substances like nicotine are able to be addictive - How tobacco companies have used things like fruity flavorings to target young people - The difference between electronic and standard cigarettes - How scientists can use mice and rats to mimic and study human drug use - Public policy and laws surrounding drugs of abuse
Controlling Brain Activity with Light!
Neurons are specialized cells that transmit information throughout the nervous system. Optogenetics is a fascinating biological technology that allows us to control the activity of neurons with beams of light that are projected directly into the brain! The development of optogenetics truly transformed neuroscience and opened up a whole world of interesting questions we can study and try to answer. The project would continue to examine and review some fascinating discoveries that have been made with optogenetics and a look at how it works. We can then present your findings in any format you wish, such as a traditional review paper, blog entry, YouTube video, and beyond!