Regina F
- Research Program Mentor
PhD candidate at Virginia Commonwealth University
Regina is interested in policy advocacy work, particularly related to the education of students with disabilities. Regina Frazier is an OSEP (Office of Special Education Programs) PRISE (Policy & Research-Intensive Special Education) scholar from Richmond, Virginia. She served as an Assistant Principal after earning a Master’s in Education and Administration from Virginia State University in 2014. Regina researches special educators' preparation in reading instruction and leadership issues in the field. Regina is an active member of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), serving in various roles and mediums of engagement, including work with the Division for Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners, Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE), Division on Career Development, and Transition, and the Teacher Education Division of CEC.Project ideas
Universal Design for Transition
Building on the tenets of Universal Design for Learning, the intentions of the Universal Design for Transition framework help special educators address both the transition and instructional design needs of their students. IDEA 2004 requires that IEP teams include goals designed to support the transition to post-high school activities. Unfortunately, these requirements become a barrier for special education teachers (Scott et al., 2019). To address this challenge, Thoma et al. (2009) proposed Universal Design for Transition (UDT) as a practical solution to ensure students with disabilities receive proper academic instruction and transition planning. However, many special education teachers are not aware of the UDT approach and report that their pre-service programs did not prepare them adequately to address their students' academic and transition needs (Scott et al., 2019). Interview your current teacher, and pervious teachers and report on how they incorporate the Universal Design for Transition into their instruction and engage them about their teacher preparation experiences.
Scientific Literature Review
Do you want to know what the scientific literature says about somethingyou are interested in? Let's review the scientific literature to support your project with a review of current research of a topic of your interest.