David T
- Research Program Mentor
MBA at Northwestern University
Entrepreneurship, Business creation, Corporate leadership, Stocks, Financial literacy, Historical topics on business, Investing, Evolution of nutrition,
I'm a native Chicagoan and life long learner. My academic passions are two fold: Finance/Investment research and understanding historical companies. I am interested in promoting financial literacy and increasing research in the finance space whether it be with blockchain or novel ways to promote more efficient markets. I also love learning and researching historical companies as I believe there are learnings and lessons that can be taken from case studies. I published a paper in the Concord Review on the MaCartney Expedition and have since written many papers on the Dutch VOC (Dutch East India Company) and Direct Foreign Investments in Senegal. I have a personal interest in cars and motorcycles that sometimes bleeds over to the professional world. For school and professional projects I've covered and analyzed companies such as GM and Ford so I understand automotive strategy well. I regularly teach friends how to ride a motorcycle and I modify and do normal maintenance on my motorcycle as well. During the summer of 2020, I did a lot of motogymkhana and raced my motorcycle in closed circuit events.Project ideas
What happened to the largest company in the world? The Dutch East India Trading Company
Scholarly paper discussing the fall and demise of one of the largest companies in the world, the Dutch East India Trading Company. The goal of the history paper a student writes is for self fulfillment, for learning, and to submit and be published in the Concord Review. -Hypothesis led approach to writing -Originating primary and secondary sources -Translating primary and secondary sources -Academic citations -Analysis of sources
Investment Strategies for Financial Freedom or FIRE
A hands on project that will allow the student to understand and deep dive into the fundamentals of capital markets in the United States. The student will not only write a paper, but also create a strategic action plan that dictates the actions to take in order to maximize returns on capital. The following skills and concepts will be learned and applied: -Brokerage Accounts -Stock Picking -Mutual Funds and ETFs -Hedge Funds and PE Funds -Capital Gains and Taxes -Retirement Accounts and Tax Advantaged Accounts -Advanced Research (Fama French model vs. Cap M) -Income budgeting
Launching and Leading a Start Up
Launch your own company and officially register the business as well as develop the skills to grow it into an enterprise. This project will go over and result in the following deliverables being completed: -Business and LLC creation and registration -Receiving the business Tax ID -Creating a business website -Launching Facebook Advertisement Campaigns -A/B development and refines of Facebook Ads -Operations management -Scaling for the future -Fundraising