CJ N - Research Program Mentor | Polygence
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- Research Program Mentor

MBA at Northwestern University


Project Management, People Management, Leadership Skills, Conflict Resolution, Improving Processes, Identifying Inefficiencies, Developing Solutions, Making Teams Better, Developing People, How to Craft a Strong Resume, Public Speaking


I graduated from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University with an MBA (Master of Business Administration). During my second academic year, I interned with NextGen Growth Partners, a private equity firm focused on acquiring businesses and assigning leaders to transform those businesses. The summer after my first year, I interned with Amazon and worked on a system optimization project where I collaborated with Senior Operations Managers, Computer Programmers, and System Engineers. Before grad school, I was with Goldman Sachs leading a team of 11 within the Asset Management Division. I graduated from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington for my undergrad degree. I'm originally from the Philippines and grew up in the Seattle, WA area. I participated in many sports growing up--soccer, football, basketball, baseball, track, tennis. I enjoy music and have played the trumpet, piano, and guitar. I've also participated in church choirs. I volunteered for a mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil for two years and through that experience also speak Portuguese.

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Business/ School Process Optimization Project

This project could apply to a local small business or a process within your school. The goal is optimize (make more efficient/ run better or smoother) a process that is important to a small business or organization within your school. The steps include: 1. Process Discovery: Meet with target client and interview them about the processes that they find especially difficult or take more time than they believe it should. 2. Select the Process: Receive buy-in from client group on which process should be the focus. 3. Benchmarking: Collect data on how the process is currently performing at client location. If feasible, also collect data on performance of other sites. 4. Develop Enhancements: Design enhancements to the process in coordination with stakeholders. 5. Optimization Analysis: Perform calculations on the expected increases in productivity. 6. Present Findings: Meet with stakeholders to present findings, enhancements, and analysis and receive buy-in for implementing changes.

Languages I know


Teaching experience

During my time at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, I served as a leadership coach to an undergraduate and graduate student. Our meetings involved areas of focus that they deemed most relevant and we worked on developing their approach to those challenges.


Work experience

Pennant Group Inc (2025 - Current)
Teamshares (2022 - 2024)
NextGen Growth Partners (2022 - 2022)
Private Equity MBA Intern
Goldman Sachs (2014 - 2020)
Asset Management Operations Associate


University of Washington
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
Northwestern University
MBA Master of Business Administration

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