Elora L
- Research Program Mentor
PhD candidate at Stanford University
Ecology, evolution, fieldwork
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Biology at Stanford University. I use genomics to address questions about the ecology, evolution, and conservation of life in the Pacific Islands. My research spans a wide range of topics, including coral bleaching recovery in American Samoa, somatic mutations in very long-lived organisms, and the effects of nuclear radiation on wildlife at Bikini Atoll, a former nuclear testing site in the Marshall Islands. My first research expedition to Bikini Atoll was featured on the CCTV9, NHNZ and PBS co-production documentary series Big Pacific in June 2017. I am a National Geographic Early Career Explorer, an Explorers Club Rolex Explorer, a Stanford Graduate Fellow in Science & Engineering, and a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellow. Prior to starting my Ph.D. at Stanford, I graduated from Columbia University in 2015 with a B.A. in Environmental Biology (Ecology and Evolution concentration).Project ideas
Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.
Write a literature review on a topic in biology
Design and test a hypothesis
Write a research proposal
Coding skills
python, R, bashLanguages I know
Spanish (some)Teaching experience
Fall 2018 T.A. for Ecology of the Hawaiian Islands (BIO 116). Stanford Wrigley Field Program in Hawaii Taught and supervised marine fieldwork techniques, gave three lectures Spring 2018 T.A. for Evolution (BIOHOPK 85). Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Led interactive discussion sections and molecular labs, gave one lecture May 2016 Instructor for Stanford Science Circle Middle School Program Gave two lectures: conservation biology and coral reef ecology Winter 2016 T.A. for Evolution (BIO 143). Stanford University Led discussion sections 2019- EEB Mentor Match Program, Mentor 2017-2019 Mentor, Salinas High School Marine Biology Internships at Hopkins Marine StationCredentials
Columbia University
BA Bachelor of Arts (2015)
Environmental BiologyStanford University
PhD Doctor of Philosophy candidate