Sasmith M - Research Program Mentor | Polygence
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Sasmith M

- Research Program Mentor

MD at Narayana Medical College


Medicine, Cancer Screening and Prevention, Review Studies, Case Reports, Evidenced Based Learning


Hello everyone, my name is Sasmith Menakuru and I am currently an Internal Medicine resident at Indiana University School Medicine. I am very passionate about teaching and would love to be your mentor. I have done multiple clinical projects on cancer screening and on the promotion of better health, but would be open to any interesting medical related projects that you may have. I look forward to working with you!

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Is the Surge of Sleep Deprivation in Young Adults due to Excessive Caffeine Intake?

Sleep deprivation is a public health issue that has been on the rise steadily as more young adults present to clinics seeking treatment. With energy drinks and increased consumption of coffee and other caffeine-containing products, there have been more young adults stuck in the cycle of not sleeping and then relying on caffeine to get through the day. The goal of the study will be to see if young adults in high school who complain of sleep-related problems had been taking caffeine and if their sleep deprivation could be corrected by removal of caffeine along with the promotion of a proper sleep-wake cycle.

Languages I know


Teaching experience

I currently have a cohort of students that I am working on evidence based teaching at a Medical School. I also currently run an NGO in India were we focus on cancer screening and the promotion of better health. I previously was a teacher for Nursing students in India.


Work experience

Indiana University School of Medicine Ball Memorial Hospital (2021 - Current)
Internal Medicine Resident


Narayana Medical College
MD Doctor of Medicine (2019)

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