Michal G
- Research Program Mentor
PhD candidate at Brown University
Mathematics, computer science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, biomedical informatics
My academic passion lies in using artificial intelligence to solve urgent global challenges - whether it be in disease diagnosis or in sustainable computing. I aim to bring forth innovative solutions that will help aid decision-making in the field of biomedical research as well as create innovation within the field of pure machine learning. My current work is in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using multi-modal deep learning and I hope that this body of work will help inspire more computer scientists to help prevent the progression of widespread illness. Outside of the academic world, I enjoy painting, doing yoga, and spending time in nature. I have a passion for the arts and love to discuss different creative outlets and movements. Having spent many years in the tutoring business, I have grown to love working with others and creating a mentee mentor bond. I cherish time with friends and family, as well as furry friends.Project ideas
Machine Learning for Problem Solving
In this project, the student and I will come up with an interesting and challenging problem in the world that can be solved using a predictive machine learning model. We will research different datasets that would be used to build our model. Examples: 1) use time-series weather data to help predict how global warming will affect a certain town, 2) use medical data to predict the likelihood of a disease developing in a certain demographic, 3) use news headlines of the past to predict the outcome of the next election, etc. I will welcome suggestions made by the student and will urge the student to think independently on what topic interests them.
Kaggle Competition
For this project, the student and I will explore either active or past Kaggle competitions and challenges. Kaggle competitions are machine learning tasks made by Kaggle or other companies like Google or WHO. This is a great way to practice machine learning skills and diverse problem-solving. Kaggle competitions are highly regarded in the industry and will look great on a resume. I will help facilitate the competition but encourage independent thinking and creativity.
Literature Review
For this project, the student and I will come up with an interesting topic and pick a few research papers around the topic. We will discuss the papers and their scientific contributions as well as their downfalls. Once those are established, we will either write an article reviewing the literature and suggesting the next steps or we will make a presentation on the topic. The drawback analysis can focus on ethics, sustainability, bias, and other problems the student may want to discuss.