Nathan W
- Research Program Mentor
MS at Brown University
Astrophysics and Cosmology
I’m a recent graduate of Brown University with a Masters of Science in Physics. I have several years of computational research experience in Astrophysics / Cosmology through a combination of work as a student of Haverford College, Brown University, and as a Research Intern at NASA Ames Research Center. Throughout this time I have studied kinematic behavior on both a stellar and galactic scale, and assisted in the development of tools for observing early galactic conditions and galactic development. I grew up in San Diego CA, but since college have lived primarily in the east coast / New England area. In my spare time I am an avid bookworm, primarily revolving around the speculative fiction (sci fi, fantasy, and adjacent stuff) genre. I also enjoy bouldering and harassing my seemingly attention starved cat. As a recent graduate, I’m looking forward to having more time to be active and play more games.Project ideas
Relationship Between Galactic Morphology and Metallicity
I am typically most comfortable with galactic and stellar scale astrophysics. We can examine topics such as the development of stars, exotic stars, galactic formation and evolution, and galactic morphology. Throughout the project a student will learn: - broad astrophysical concepts - interpreting and understanding scientific research papers - how to manage a command line in UNIX - programming skills in Python and utilize associated data packages / libraries - how to access and utilize astronomical dada - Usage of LaTeX, a text writing software primarily used for STEM research papers. Upon synthesizing the above skills the student may work on their own scientific research paper.