Anastasia Y
- Research Program Mentor
PhD at Columbia University
Earth sciences, planetary sciences, physics, mathematics, chemistry, spectroscopy
Hi everyone! My name is Anastasia and I am currently a postdoctoral scientist at Cal Tech where I am studying phase transitions of organic gases relevant to Titan in prep for the Dragonfly Mission. Prior to this I was working with the SHERLOC team with Perseverance Rover on Mars analyzing minerals and organics within them with Raman spectroscopy. My general background is in isotope geochemistry, paleoceanography, planetary sciences, spectroscopy, and studying origins of life on Earth. Outside of work I am an active athlete and race road, gravel, and track bikes, dive, climb, and enjoy some sports less seriously (kitesurfing and windsurfing, as an example).Project ideas
Chemical Gardens and search for potential biosignatures in our solar system
Research paper idea 1. The student will learn how to read, process, and summarize research papers relevant to chemical garden structures. The student is asked to read academic literature and make a list of five different chemical garden structures relevant to planetary bodies within our solar system that have a liquid ocean (for example, Titan, Enceladus, Europa).
Titan and tholins
Research paper idea 2. The student will learn how to read, process, and summarize research papers relevant to formation of tholins on Titan. The student will be asked to read academic literature on tholin formation and summarize 3-5 hypothesis on their formation on Titan.
Silicates on Mars
Research paper idea 3. The student will learn how to read, process, and summarize research papers relevant to observations of silica rich rocks on Mars. The deliverable will be a summary of different types of silica formations, and the formation mechanisms.