10 Economics Journals for High Schoolers | Polygence

If you’re a high school student with a passion for economics and a burning desire to share your research with the world, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ve compiled a list of ten reputable economic journals that are great places to start your research career. From the complexities of global economics to the nuances of behavioral economics, these platforms provide a launchpad for your research journey. 

If you’re interested in furthering your education in economics, check out our recommendations for economics summer programs, as well as top economics competitions for high school students.

1. Curieux Academic Journal

  • Cost: $150

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 50-60%

Curieux is an academic journal based in California that accepts research papers from all subject areas. They accept research papers, review articles, and humanities/social science pieces. Curieux is a great backup or entry option for research papers, as they have a higher acceptance rate. If this is your first time publishing a journal article for research and you anticipate publishing more down the line, this could be a great introductory journal to understand what the submission process entails.

2. Open Journal of Business Management

  • Cost: $299

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 30%

The Open Journal of Business Management is an American economic journal focused solely on economics and business. The journal has five special issues: human resource economics, business administration and management, leadership and organizational management, business economics, and entrepreneurship and innovation in business. If your economics research paper falls into any of these categories, OJBM is the perfect economic journal for you. 

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3. Critical Debates in Humanities, Science, and Global Justice

  • Cost: $10

  • Deadline: Once every four months

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 20%

Critical Debates in Humanities, Science, and Global Justice is an international journal that accepts articles in humanities, science, and global justice, as the name suggests. They accept research projects, review articles, economic perspectives/opinion pieces, and other creative work. CDHSGJ also accepts IB and AP research, which means if you had to complete research as a graduation requirement for school, you can submit that for potential publication, killing two birds with one stone. 

4. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management

  • Cost: $499

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 25-30%

The American Journal of Industrial and Business Management is a journal focused on the subject area of business management. Similar to OJBM, AJIBM has five special issues: industrial economics and sustainable development, business finance and investment, marketing sales and service, business management and strategy, and industrial management and innovation. If your research falls into any of these areas, AJIBM is a great economic journal to publish in, though it has a somewhat costlier article processing charge than most of the other options in this list. 

5. International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research

  • Cost: $70-80

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 50-60%

The International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research covers topics across the social sciences and applied economics. Some example topics listed on the website include international relations, history, corporate governance, banking, and many more. IJSSER values research questions that tackle contemporary topics, so if you submit an article to this journal, make sure your paper answers a current issue pertinent to our society today. 

6. International Journal of High School Research

  • Cost: $250

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 10-20%

The International Journal of High School Research is one of the most coveted scholarly journals to publish in as a high school researcher. IJHSR manuscripts, as explained on their website, are indexed by EBSCO and Google Scholar, making its research some of the most viewed on the internet. For this reason, it is one of the hardest journals to get accepted to. IJHSR accepts research and economic review articles, however, they only accept 2 to 3 review articles per issue. Students are also required to provide at least three suggested reviewers for their papers, so make sure you begin the process early if you want to submit to IJHSR. 

7. Journal of Emerging Investigators

  • Cost: Free

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 15-30%

At first glance, the Journal of Emerging Investigators seems like a science journal. You wouldn’t be incorrect to assume this, but they also accept papers in the social sciences. JEI values an original research article of high quality, so if you have a plan to conduct experimentation related to an economic subject, this is a great journal to publish in. Additionally, the journal is affiliated with Harvard, which makes it all the more prestigious. 

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8. The Schola

  • Cost: $120

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 25%

If you are interested in the public policy aspect of economics (how policy decisions have impacts on economies), Schola is the perfect journal to submit to. Schola focuses on the humanities and social sciences, including topics like public policy, history, philosophy, and more. More than typical research, Schola looks for “essays,” to be submitted, anywhere from 4,500-5,500 words, so if you are conducting extensive analysis, it makes sense to submit to Schola. 

9. Journal of Student Research

  • Cost: $200 

  • Deadline: February, May, August, November

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 50%

The Journal of Student Research is a great starter journal to submit to. JSR accepts research articles, economic review articles, research projects, and research posters from all academic disciplines. Additionally, similar to CDHSGJ, they accept AP and IB research articles, so you can submit a paper that you wrote as a graduation requirement. JSR is a great backup option to use, due to its high acceptance rate, in case your submission to another journal doesn’t work out.

10. The Journal of Research High School

  • Cost: $100

  • Deadline: Rolling

  • Estimated Acceptance Rate: 30%

The Journal of Research High School accepts original research and review articles from all subject areas. Students can submit working papers that are under 4,000 words in the economics space. Publications are released each month, so JRHS offers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to timing your submission.

Start your research journey with confidence knowing that these journals are eager for your submissions. Whether you are drawn to theory, policy, or the practical applications of economic principles, these economic journals are a great way to provide your unique insight and present it to the world. 

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