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Easiest DECA Events to Compete in 2024

7 minute read

With more than 258,000 members and teachers worldwide, being a DECA member is a phenomenal experience that’s been recognized as one of the most challenging yet rewarding for high schoolers to join.

Encompassing the career clusters of hospitality and tourism, marketing, finance, business management and administration, and so much more, DECA events can be categorized into three broad areas: role plays and case studies, prepared events, and online simulations. 

But knowing which events to compete in can be challenging, especially if you're just getting started and aren’t sure where your skills will shine through the most.

Curious about the easiest DECA events of 2024? We’ve got you covered. 

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Overview of DECA Competitions

Founded in 1946 and now hosting more than 3956 high school chapters in almost all 50 states (plus Canada, Puerto Rico, and Germany), DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is a standout career and technical organization. The primary mission of this chartered association is to “prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.” 

As a student, participating in a DECA competitive event can be life-changing. It offers a medley of benefits, helping to improve your problem-solving and communication skills while also providing you with a valuable networking platform. 

Students who participate in a DECA competition aren't just preparing for a job - they're grooming themselves to be emerging leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators, with many going on to attend top-ranked universities and launch their own ventures. There are also countless scholarships and awards you might be able to qualify as a DECA competitor.

Benefits of Starting with Easier Events

While you’re sure to reap the benefits from any kind of participation with DECA, starting with easier events can give you a significant advantage. Here’s why:

  • Build Confidence: Competing in less challenging events can help you build confidence before tackling more difficult ones.

  • Learn the Ropes: You'll get acquainted with the format, rules, and expectations of DECA competitions, making it easier to transition to more complex events later.

  • Valuable Feedback: Judges' feedback in these events can provide valuable insights that help you improve your performance in future competitions.

Key Factors in Event Difficulty

You might be wondering what exactly makes an event “difficult” or “hard.” 

Truly, it’s all subjective, but there are some events that are largely considered to be more challenging than others. This boils down to two factors: the number of competitors, and the complexity of the event topics.

Number of Competitors Per Event

As you might imagine, events with fewer participants are generally less competitive. 

For example, niche categories like "Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling" may have fewer entrants compared to more popular, broader events like "Principles of Marketing." Choosing events with fewer competitors can increase your chances of advancing compared to a more competitive event. 

Complexity of Event Topics

Some events cover more straightforward topics, making them easier to prepare for. 

For instance, Principles of Business Administration focuses on basic business and entrepreneurial concepts, while Business Operations Research Events and Entrepreneurship Events may require more in-depth analysis and data interpretation. 

Naturally, starting with less complex topics allows you to build a solid foundation before tackling more advanced subjects.

Similarly, certain events require extensive preparation, including detailed research and multiple practice sessions. Opting for events with simpler preparation requirements can make the process less daunting. 

For example, role-play events often involve impromptu scenarios that test your ability to think on your feet, whereas project-based competitions may require weeks of preparation and collaboration.

Top Easiest DECA Events to Consider

DECA’s events can be categorized into three areas: role plays and case studies, prepared events, and online simulations. Each has a few standouts in terms of ease of completion and performance indicators being measured.

Based on the factors we mentioned above, here are some of the easiest DECA events to compete in for 2024:

Role-Play and Case Study Events

Role play and case study events are some of the best for beginners because they tend to require more analysis than they do boots-on-the-ground work (the latter of which can be tricky if you’re still learning the ropes).

These events simulate real-world business scenarios, requiring you to analyze a situation and present a solution. The topics are often based on everyday business challenges, making them easier to grasp and address.

Two easy DECA events for beginners to consider are Individual Series Events and Team Decision Making Events.

As you might expect, individual series events are perfect for those who prefer working alone. These events test your knowledge and skills in specific business areas, such as retail merchandising or hospitality. The topics are more focused, allowing you to concentrate on a single area of expertise.

Team Decision Making Events, on the other hand, involve working with a partner or as teams to solve a business problem. These events encourage collaboration and allow you to share the workload. If you enjoy teamwork and brainstorming, this could be a great choice.

Project-Based Competitions

Project-based competitions offer a different kind of challenge than a written event does. These events involve creating a detailed project report and presenting it to judges. While they require some preparation, making them a little more challenging than role plays are case studies, the tasks are well-defined, and you have ample time to work on them.

An example of a project-based competition is the Integrated Marketing Campaign Event. This event involves developing a comprehensive advertising campaign that integrates various marketing channels. 

While it requires some planning and creativity, the tasks are straightforward, and the topics are often relatable. It can be done individually or in a team of up to three people.

Another example of a project-based competition (that falls within DECA’s Online Simulations category) is the Virtual Business Challenge. 

This event provides hands-on experience with managing a business without the pressure of a live presentation. It’s a fun and educational way to learn about business operations and decision-making, with the convenience and accessibility of an online format.

Preparation Tips for Success

Preparation is key to success in any DECA event - easy or hard.

Before you begin, make sure you thoroughly understand the event guidelines and requirements. Read the DECA guide and familiarize yourself with the judging criteria. Knowing what’s expected will help you tailor your preparation accordingly.

Conduct mock presentations, role-plays, and case studies to build your confidence and improve your skills. Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to identify areas for improvement.

And don’t forget—staying updated on industry trends and current events can give you an edge, enhance your presentations, and show how aware you are of the business world. Keep up to date by regularly browsing industry reports and news articles and by connecting often with other professionals in the field.

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Strategies for Role-Plays and Case Studies

Role-plays and case studies require a strategic approach. Here are some tips to help you excel:

  • Understand the Scenario: Take the time to thoroughly understand the scenario presented. Identify the key issues and objectives, and think critically about potential solutions. This will guide your analysis and presentation.

  • Develop a Structured Approach: Structure your response in a logical way, starting with an introduction that outlines the problem, followed by a detailed analysis of the issues. Present your solutions clearly and concisely, and conclude with a summary that reinforces your key points.

  • Practice Effective Communication: If you aren’t able to communicate your thoughts well, it won’t matter how thorough your understanding of the scenario is or how strategic your approach. Practice speaking clearly and confidently, maintaining eye contact with the judges. Keep track of any weak spots and practice those often to work out any kinks.

Crafting Winning Projects

Similarly, crafting a winning project requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Choose a Relevant Topic: Select a topic that is relevant and interesting - something that rouses your enthusiasm while also reflecting your capabilities and strengths.

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Gather data from credible sources, analyze the information, and draw meaningful conclusions. Use charts, graphs, and visuals to present your findings clearly and effectively.

  • Practice Your Presentation: Practice your presentation multiple times, ideally with different audiences who are willing to give you some feedback on what you’re doing well and what needs some work. Familiarize yourself with the content, and practice delivering it confidently and smoothly.

Making the Most of DECA Competitions

Participating in free competitions for high school students, like DECA,  offers numerous benefits beyond the competition itself. Here’s how to make the most of your experience:

Learning from the Experience

DECA competitions provide excellent networking opportunities, so be sure to connect with fellow students, teachers, and industry professionals. Now is the time to talk, share ideas, and build connections that will serve you well in your future career.

And don’t forget—even though it might sting at first, criticism and feedback from judges and mentors are invaluable. Sharpen your skills by paying attention to what others have to say—their input is pure gold for self-improvement.

Building a Foundation for More Challenging Events

Starting with easier events or contests builds a strong foundation for tackling more challenging competitions in the future. You’ll emerge from this process equipped with the valuable skills and confidence you need for more complex tasks - and for higher levels of competition. 

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Choosing the right DECA event, regardless of whether your aspirations lie in marketing management in hospitality or in any other specific career area, can make a world of difference in your overall competition experience. 

If you’re ready to take your DECA competition preparations to the next level, but aren’t sure how to do so, Polygence is here to help. 

We’ll provide you with personalized mentorship and guidance tailored to your unique interests and goals. At every stage of your DECA journey, we're here to help, whether you're looking to refine your role-play technique or develop projects that truly impress.

Kick-start your DECA adventure with Polygence and watch your dreams take shape!